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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. Let the octopus decide the faith of the bookie!!
  2. wah!! Nice! I dont have this!!
  3. my latest VW Samba Van... its "CircleKSunkus 2007 Motor Collection"!... ........TFL!!!
  4. haha, in HWCM, all the customizer here are sifu. we learned from each other, don't we? Oh yes.....and I believed in you as you got the talent and maybe our DR brader may arrange some meeting with US team? Shake hand with phil hope won't make you pengsan rite bro......hahahaha if i have the chance, i'll be Yup....and I'll tumpang your car to meet them if got chance....hahahaha help me get the signature from him too...!!!
  5. my $uper Enzo...jus loose it to take pics & post here.........
  6. SM Ferrari California!! Nice !! But i dont have this one!!
  7. this is Dodge Charger Daytona la bro.. Not Superbird... haiya...my bad mybad!! Sori!!
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