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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. ahahah! Look more like plymouth buaya darat instead of Plymouth superbird!! Nice nice!! Love those funny tampo!!
  2. arrgh!!! Jahat lah lu!! Got variation somemore!!
  3. nice one ...mushrOOm!! Been looking for this for sometime..but ! U got any spare??
  4. my kumbang dead ady............
  5. wah!! Got so many places ady!! Good luck bro!! Hope can drop by one day!!
  6. Paul the Octopus...to predict the winner?? WTH????
  7. huh??? I got mine ady!! Maybe u can try to PM him again!
  8. wat a nice accidentally haul!!! some of that casting still a hot sought after cars! Congrats bro!
  9. one for the day......... the most sought afer 2008 $uper t-hunt.............
  10. wow!! Sound great!! Phil Riehlman of Phil Garage???
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