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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. wah!! cun lah! wheels from camaro $uper ke???
  2. apasal semua kot pakai warna biru??? . Btw...nice custom!!
  3. wah wah!!! Makin mengganaslah u punya kustom!! Cantek!!
  4. Nice 24/7!! Apa kata kalau namakan dia....7/11???
  5. aahh!! Segan or not...this one is my fovaurite casting!! Love wat u have done to the car..xeifu!! Especially the wheels!! weeeeee!! Nice!!
  6. wah!! Congrats artt!! Ady hunt down 6 2010 t-hunt!! How bout the 2010 $uper???
  7. "PEACE"!!! Dont want "2012" in the HWCM!
  8. arghh@!![/quote[/url]] mane ade??? Ur's more poison lah!!
  9. Great custom works...bro!!! Nice to c a DD with those MOD!! Like the way u do it!!
  10. Sad to hear that too! My condolence to ur mother in law!! and nice for u to meet a lot of members in amcorp mall..cuz i went there sometimes b4 ..too!! All members there r nice!!
  11. dayum nice transforms!! Wait....where's my Dragtor???
  12. Nice casting with nice tempo!!! Especialy the K & N!!!
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