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Everything posted by danielh

  1. danielh

    Cars I like

    nice and interesting deora II.
  2. Hey! almost missed it...Happy Birthday to you bro!! may this year will get you more hw goodies!!!
  3. nice custom RG! first time seeing your custom here , hehe.. keep up the good work, hope to see more of this in the future!!
  4. nice custom!!!!!! love the colour and liveries!!
  5. nice engine detail!!!!!
  6. nice custom!! and wide body version also!!
  7. nice batmoblie!!!!!!!! very creatived in custom this willys coupe into batmobile!!
  8. nice!! very creative in combining and custom these GT LM!!!
  9. awesome!!!! very innovative and creative in combining these two casting!!
  10. nice custom bluebird!! that tempos very matching!
  11. very nice gonggok!!!!! not bad for a first timer, hope to see more of your custom car soon!!
  12. very nice custom bro!! love that goodyear wheel, very matching to this bluebird. It gives the classic feeling..hehe
  13. nice custom xeifu! that rear wing from where? u custom it?
  14. very colourful tracker!! nice custom rikmun.
  15. nice custom, that wire cables on the engines really stands out!!
  16. nice custom DD!!!!! that tempos are very striking and unique!!!!
  17. whoa!!!!!!! nice haul enyo., so many minis and speed machine's veron with enzo are damn nice!!!!!!
  18. well planned my friend. I'm not too lucky. Went to parkson one U few weeks back and saw some nice speed machines on the rack. After carefully selected the best tempos, casting , paint job or whatever u think it's your best choice already, finally i've choosed one sm evo X and green nsx. Proceed to the counter and made payment, nothing happened as i didnt pay any attention as what we normally see the cashier scan the bar codes either on the security sticker on the front or back. I was wondering why there's a tearing sound to the extend that i've turn around a see the cashier just tear the security sticker off the surface of the card (rear side)that i've nicely choose . That portion on the print area cames off together with the sticker and i've yelled at them, why they had to do this? They just give me the reason there's a security gadgets inside the sticker ( or sandwich inbetween that silver piece of sticker), whoever steals this, it will trigger the alarm whenever he or she leaves the front entrance. Whatever the reason they gave to me, i'm just tell them i wanted to buy as collector items in one nice piece and i ask them who are going to buy or trade from me? Anyway, these items are going to be loose already. i've just paid for it.
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