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Everything posted by danielh

  1. whoa!!!!!!!!!! so many nice haul!!!!!!! congrats!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. thanks raymond, the interior is kept untouched and in originals ,hehe!!
  3. yes, had to remove all the body casting to reconstruct it.
  4. haha!! local don't have anymore,have to get it from ebay....
  5. Nope. it's original motormax. When i bought it, the engine bay was plain black, all black. I've removed the casting and reconstruct the V-tec engine bay (spray red colour with added decal) and custom details on wiring, hose, batteries, and air intake. But looking what i've done 4 years ago, the red wire plug cables looks a little bit out of scales. here's the close up engine details.
  6. nice haul!!! seems like these mixed wave already available on the pegs.
  7. thats schorcher looks cool, my next hunting list.............
  8. nice yellow mercy !!!!! ckh now start collecting mercy breaker, way to go bro!!!!!!!!!!
  9. not at all, the affordable price to pay for this beemer from maisto is quite justified unless you compares to Kyosho BMW Safety car which are more pricey, accurate and quality finish. If i'm not mistaken the Kyosho price about twice of Maisto price.
  10. nice! beemer safety car from maisto!
  11. nice!!!!!! the cop cars really stands out!!!!
  12. nice haul!!!!!!!! that ford GT looks tempting!!!
  13. nice nismo Z ! this silver colour looks cool, cham!!!! and nice reventon too, rikmun!!!
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