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Everything posted by danielh

  1. in my opinion, it's up to certain individual wether he or she want to give free cars in the spirit of hwcm and depends one own self judgement wether it's worth giving free cars. Sorry for change the topics from hauling items to this one. Cheers!
  2. just kidding only!!!!! here in hwcm it's lucky and fortune enough to makes friend and share some interesting topics and some jokes!!!! and i'm happy with it.
  3. nice haul alfagta!!!!!!!!!! your bullets seems never run out of supply!! he!he!
  4. wonder can I be your friend too!!!! hehehe i want to be your friend too!!!!!!!!!! :buddies:
  5. woooo!!!!!!!!!!can't wait to see... :woohoo:
  6. thanks bro!!!!!!!!!!! Appreciate your comments!
  7. thanks YU5H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes, i was thinking of that too but the tomica is release new mugen RR version. So i just need to wait for that version and convert this S.I. first.
  8. thanks sinclair !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! appreciate your comments!
  9. thanks toycarsmy!!!!!!!!!!! appreciate your comments!
  10. Here's is another varint custom civic si. This time is custom Civic 'Mugen RR'. Original was SI candy red but i feel needs some upgrade. For Civic's Mugen lovers, Enjoy!!!!!!!!!! original S.I.......... now became Civic'Mugen RR Version' IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y101/danhew/HW%20custom%20civic%20mugen%20RR/mugenRR8.jpg[/IMG]
  11. nice tomica collection ckh!!!!!!! I'm sure if u put the display in ur house, ur visiting relatives or friend's kiddo will want to play with them!!!
  12. nice evo colour shifter !!!!!!! :woohoo: Can't wait to get this one!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. nice haul liette` !!!! civic, GTR, DD and 24/7..............all my favourites!!!!
  14. no worries ckh!!!! hope to see more of your pics soon!!!!!!!!
  15. thought my eyes tired or went blurrr ..... i think u take photo too close, maybe my suggestion try to take photo further a little bit, the image will be clear to see. Anyway, congrats on ur new haul!!!! i like the firebird and bluebird. Whats the model in the first picture?
  16. that FXX with no.1 decals looks really interesting! Haven't seen it on locals displays or i might have overseeing them while hunting some couples of hws.......
  17. nice collection ckh!!!! like that boneshaker!!
  18. thanks jhc! he just bought one only, if i knew earlier should hav inform him to get dozens!!! wahh.. so rugi.. next time ask him to buy one for me, no problem, bro!!!
  19. nice haul bro py!!!! you really lucky fella!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. thanks jhc! he just bought one only, if i knew earlier should hav inform him to get dozens!!!
  21. nice haul!!!!!!!!!!! the reverb is superb chrome!!!!!!!!!
  22. nice one!!!!!!! jhc, thunt and short card great!!!!!!!!!!
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