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Everything posted by danielh

  1. whoaaa....all the new sn wave here! congrats!!
  2. congrats! that 2011 danicar new card also nice!
  3. drool!! congrats on the new sm haul!
  4. congrats! and that super and regulars GTX too! what a lucky dude!
  5. These are the favourites custom casting that every one doing now. Besides rikmun's version, here's mine to roll out from my garage, The decals design took me almost 3 weeks to refine to the final stage, others added are side mirrors and rear steel muffler. enjoy.. Spoiler: here's picyures taken with the big scales of R34 Gran Turismo by autoart 1:18 scales.
  6. what i'm afraid ppl are already seen too much of variants custom helang.....hahaha any idea on the blimp helang?
  7. thanks bro! haha...agree thanks bro!!
  8. bad guys comes first. good guys will came later..hehe u can pm me.
  9. thanks laputa! thanks bro! thanks KT, glad you like it:P
  10. oh, looks like master also do it, so i dont have to do it.. waiting for sifu to post him, sure great one.. btw rikmun, yours are well done!! but just the decal part spoil a bit.. i think u really need a decal paper, great job bro! what a co-incidence. it seems that there will be three custom with same theme here at the same time. jhc, i hope you don't mind if i post mine too
  11. thanks, hope that it won't clash with you. will uploads the pictures later.
  12. nice reventon custom, one of the best i've ever seen!
  13. thanks bro PY, appreciate your comments. haha, your first custom hauler has put some inspiration into my mind, i should thanks you for it:P
  14. haha, thanks for the comments bro. hmmm, it could be one of the reason. As for my custom, my intention are just simple...qombee hauler and helang bugatti as one set custom...
  15. thanks bro!. the purpose of the hauler are to place the bugatti on top of it, nothing more on the technical side on how to unload the bugatti. thanks bro, glad you like it!
  16. thanks bro, the bugatti is on the way...... . thanks sinclair, appreciate your comments.. haha...you do the thinking, i'll do the custom. thanks for the comments.
  17. thanks bro! thanks bro sahama! yup, the hauler height are depends on the qombee base structure, anyway the bugatti will enjoy the view while sitting on the hauler.. thanks for the comments.
  18. you post faster than mine. or should i post mine too? btw, nice work bro!
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