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Everything posted by Yao

  1. SOME ONE HAS THE BALLS TO LIST A MAZDA FURAI AT USD$26.95 @ EBAY SINGAPORE! WTF! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?? I DO GRUMBLE ABOUT THE VERY LATE NEW CARS ARRIVAL HERE BUT I WILL NEVER EVER GO THAT FAR!!! (...and if i really am, i would get one from the u.s. of a and it will still be more than twice as cheap as this! )
  2. ...so that they can release it into some Target-, Kmart, Walmart Exclusives later on...
  3. for those looking for the first editions 1966 tv series batmobile, there's one inside shaw towers... hehehe
  4. it means the stuffs remain there for a long long time and yet no one buys them, thus "collecting dust"...
  5. i like it too although i won't collect it... the pictures don't show, but actually the card conditions for both since '68 and classics are quite bad...
  6. not really. plus, i've spoken to the owner and he won't be having restock any time soon. just think of it as, if not because of me, those old cards will be there for ages... hahaha
  7. hmm... could it be the actual person i'm trading with?
  8. Last week, a friend asked if I wanted to follow him to the IT Fair at Suntec City. I agreed to, only because I could go for some Wheels hunt. But, he decided to go on Friday instead of Saturday. I couldn't make it for Friday since I had a test but I will go to Suntec City anyway since my mind had already set course for a trip... Hello Shaw Towers! I'm baaaaaaaack! Dah jam 12:45 tapi kedai masih tutup... == Called the owner since the number's on the door and he said he'll only be there after 3:00... == == Bird watch! I wasn't being hopeful for this... ...and boy was I right. == The coolest stuffs were the ones not for sale... Aduh~ Maybe I will approach the manager one day if I could just buy these... Next... Carrefour! Another familiar sight; infestation of Color Shifters... == 2 white Murcielagos spotted, but I didn't take them since I don't need them... As I was scrambling through the cards, something sounded heavy fell. When I held this in hand, I couldn't help but imagine how weighty this thing can be in metal chassis... This doesn't suggest Hot Wheels bounty... I'll just list them according to places they were bought. Most of the stuffs are reserved for trade, for someone quite prominent here... Toys 'R' Us Carrefour Shaw Towers This thing call kill a flying bird... That's my hunting avatar...
  9. i go for colours, not wheels. and oh, it has to be production cars...
  10. i think protons suit matchbox better
  11. let's make a petition for that to be a Giant Exclusive...
  12. okay, just for fun, let's talk and fantasize about the cars/trucks/whatevers that you wish mattel will cast one day... my take... this could look good in FTE~
  13. i'm thinking the nova was put in the wrong direction 'cos the store employee put it back... there's an obvious separation between the blister and the card
  14. mr. di montezemolo (is it spelled correctly?) would be proud of this...
  15. co-molds are cools but i'm more into FTEs.
  16. My brother is now in Perth for his studies... I'm now "training" (forcing) him to be my die cast hunter sidekick. General rule of thumb, visit Target and/or Kmart whenever possible... The first success...
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