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Everything posted by Mangoberri

  1. Eat some sugar..either candy or just put some sugar in your mouth.
  3. remind me never to eat at your house when you are serving ship lol Ever heard of 'pirate ship' at White spot?
  4. Oh yum~ except the onion part. I hate red onions...I like sweet onions though.
  5. Small oysters then? ..they're really good especially fresh ones from PEI, that's what we got from Costco.
  6. They taste like very sweet clams. And bigger and plumper..
  7. My mom's making spaghetti, with mussels. The juice of the mussels incorporated with the spaghetti sauce. YUM. with a side of garlic bread.
  8. Same price as I offered spitfir3.if she doesn't want it, yawo gets it, and if yawo doesn't get it..you do.
  9. I have 4 for 3x4999? Not sure, that seems to be the price on the TOF.
  10. Bump! Buying CCs now cause the chicks are ADORABLE;
  11. I think I sent out pineapple's yesterday for the free gift thing..might be coconut. I'll send you another pineapple today.
  12. Welcome Shalott! Is it me, or have I seen you in the TOF with the status as: not an onion. Anyways, have fun here at PSFC!
  13. You might think the job is easy at first, but when your school workload comes in, you'll be in a little trouble..mod the forum or do your homework..of course you will choose do your homework, but I sometimes feel a little guilty because I'm not looking after the forum.
  14. Just drew my pet Pinchy..the head and dress look a bit weird, but I like my shading on the little leaf thing on the head. I know the pic is too big, so click here: CLICKY ME. THANK YOUUUS.
  15. Chrome didn't take very long for me..don't know why it's taking so long for you.
  16. Yup, that's fine. I'm just going to sell them back to the store. f/r accepted.
  17. I have a maraca decor for..2x4999. or 10x999 or 10000IS coins.
  18. I just tried it on IE and it worked. The throne sells back for 999.
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