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Everything posted by smadli07

  1. congrats bro... ni hg kena cari cepat2 display rack nih... ble aku tumpang sekaki beli gak... hehhehe...
  2. another great haul!! cunnnnn...
  3. wow... $uper... hari yg gelap kini sudah terang... lalallala..
  4. super nice!!! must get... lotsa tampos....
  5. thanks sinclair... i think the comments make the another comments more interesting... fr now on, whenever me wife ask me to shopping, sekarang ni jugak i pegi... hehehe... tq RG... mana yg hang nampak byk??? hahaha.... tq joe... thanks alfagta... i'm not hiding fr my wife, but fr my son... after he sleep then i can bring out... thanks kurz... tq sahama...
  6. awesome catch bro... err.. if u do want to let go that camaros, lemme know k..
  7. good luck on yr sales bang.... jangan lupa org2 di utara....
  8. congrats sinclair.... nice stuff esp shelby th...
  9. thanks xebec... aku rasa dia dh tau awai2 dh sbb dia mmg slalu lunch situ... so dia buat2 ajak gi beli brg la... btw... thanks CHAH....
  10. thanks msclee... but your oversea haul lagi dahsyat..
  11. you're having a happy life......rewarding each other... ..and then, maybe getting a surprise little "t-hunt" in return...! haahha... true.... apalaga hassan...
  12. tq danielh... sejuk gak la after that... rewards?? done!!
  13. tq hassan... malam tu dia kata xyah... tp aku cakap ambik ja la... xyah bayor...
  14. hello guys... last week, didnt plan to haul at all sebab duit dh abis for raya... but my half asked me to make detour before get home... muka aku ni dh tarik 44 dh... so singgah Giants bayan baru... dari jauh lg dh nampak... dedicated to my wife because its her idea... and she lend me her money first... hahaha.... thanks for viewing...
  15. congrats bro.. siam sblh mana nih??? hahhaha...
  16. wow!!! dasyat betuk.... congrats bro...
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