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Everything posted by smadli07

  1. congrats py... love that dropstar skyline...
  2. must have that drift car dodge... mmmmmmm.....
  3. ic... both got that thing that stick out from the engine... is it????
  4. ada la sikit2... later will show the haul... btw.. have fun with ur haul oso bro.. ehhehe...
  5. barang aku pon dh sampai.... mgigil for the next 24hr sbb esok baru aku balik kg...
  6. congrats bro... looks like real one... rumah pon chantek..
  7. congrats bro... baik sungguh hati mushr00m...
  8. superb haul... love those muscle cars...
  9. congrats bro... really2 nice piece of artwork...
  10. congrats bro... th baja tu tayar mati ka tayar idup??
  11. sapela termakan racunni...adli ko ke? hahahhaha
  12. smadli07

    error haul!

    True true if then.....i have 5 pcs error of this casting!! lagi banyak....
  13. or courier them to me oso... btw... superb catch of the week...
  14. very nice diorama man... love your artwork...
  15. ya bang...hahahhahahha if u have any roadrunner to throw, just throw them to me lah...
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