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I know you are having a rough time at the moment hun..so I'm sending you some super soft Butterfly hugs (dont want to hurt you lol) to let you know how much you are loved and to let you know I'm thinking of you xxxxxxxxxxxx

Please feel free to add any message you would like for Kathy, I know how much everyones well wishes mean to her

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Kathy, I hope you feel better soon. You are such a lovely person and are so loved.

Many gentle hugs and lots of teddy bear love from here.

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Kathy, I would like to send my best wishes and love your way, I really hope everything gets better for you soon as I cannot imagine how hard things are for you right now. Your in my thoughts sweetie!!

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Kathy, you know how much we all think of you and wish that you will soon be as good as new ...big hugs

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kathy, i hope you're getting better! noone deerves such hard time especially you!

lots of love from here

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get well soon sweetie, everybody missed you Smile

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you're all so wonderful and I love you all.This site is truly a huge family and we are all so blessed to have each other. I appreciate you all so much and I will keep you all posted on what is happening.I have a dr appointment in the am,but the important appointment in may 20th.

We have so many people on this site who suffer through so much ,so let's send these hugs to them too.

THANK YOU! I am crying,not because I am sad,but because of the love and friendship that is given here so freely.

huge hugs

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Best wishes kathy!

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I'll have Kokonee put a candle in her chapel for you!
Prays and hugs!

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sending you lots of yummy hot soup and hot cocoa hugs!!
feel better!!!

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aaw!!!!!!!! my sweet kathy i hope everything is alright!!!!!! my best wishes full of love!!!

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huge hugs and thank you EVERYONE!

I went to the dr today,he gave me more medicine and told me to rest and rest some more blah.

just waiting until May 20th for the new surgeon evaluation....

luv you all

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I wish you all the best Kathy, with all my heart! you are one of the most kindest person I've ever met and you deserve all the best! xoxo

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I hope you get better soon Kathy.
You are such a kind and loving woman and i wish i could take your pain away from you.

Sending you gentle hugs....

Love from Princess and me

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