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mystery mouse.. whats going on?

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really??? now i check i can see only the 2nd one (the blue one)...howcome?

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this is called...


Playfish have been doing some fishy things lately,.. like being confused with what mouse to put, and misspelling "buy" in RC when you try to feed your workers.

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When the new free items were released the picture showed the grey mouse....but you still received the blue mouse.

It didnt take long for playfish to change the picture to teh blue mouse though Sad

I much prefer the grey mouse Sad

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yeah. the blue one looks a bit too cartoony for my tastes.

hope the grey mouse be available soon. well other then that, i guess its a leaked item info.

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I'd love the grey one, but I think that we receive the blue always Sad

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Foxpoly wrote:
i got blue Sad

I got 3 blue mice, but then I reloaded and they were grey, and when I reload again they are blue. I think PS is having a lot of fun with that >.

I hate when it changes into the blue mouse Sad

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saw ur pic hun the grey mouse is so cute...really want it lol

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I don't understand anything. Look, I only reload the game without changing any item in the room:

It's so hard not being sure about what colour will have the mouse Sad

I think I'm going to write to PF. I want my grey mouse forever

Could you tell me which mouse do you see when you visit Ursula?

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Ursula wrote:
I don't understand anything. Look, I only reload the game without changing any item in the room:

It's so hard not being sure about what colour will have the mouse Sad

I think I'm going to write to PF. I want my grey mouse forever

Could you tell me which mouse do you see when you visit Ursula?

I saw the blue one at your house hun, just been and had a look for you congratulations

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Foxpoly wrote:
i visited and it was blue Sad


My hubby told me that it will probably remain blue, because it was grey at first and then they started to change it. When we reload the game, we go to one or other server and some servers must not be updated, so that's why sometimes we can see the grey one Sad

I hope they put the grey mouse in the shops or wherever they want, but soon Sad

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maybe it's a future item!!! if it's there then probably it will be used somewhere!!! why design it if not use it?? congratulationscongratulationscongratulations

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This is so strange...my free gift page still shows a grey mouse...gonna try and send it to see if it's blue or grey...XD

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As i said... Maybe we get it in the future.. (remember how the brown deer accidentally ended up on heidini? maybe it's a next free gift got mixed with this that was for this week)

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Oh! I remember that one! That's true! Oh well, just have to wait and see~

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I like the gray, not the blue. I had the gray mouse last night in my front room. When it morphed to blue, I returned it to my chest.

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Tiddly Winks wrote:
I like the gray, not the blue. I had the gray mouse last night in my front room. When it morphed to blue, I returned it to my chest.

In a second there I thought that you had a mouse in your RL room!!! Don't scare me like that Laughing

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Lazar wrote:
Tiddly Winks wrote:
I like the gray, not the blue. I had the gray mouse last night in my front room. When it morphed to blue, I returned it to my chest.

In a second there I thought that you had a mouse in your RL room!!! Don't scare me like that Laughing

If i did, then you'd hear the scream. Laughing

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Tiddly Winks wrote:
Lazar wrote:
Tiddly Winks wrote:
I like the gray, not the blue. I had the gray mouse last night in my front room. When it morphed to blue, I returned it to my chest.

In a second there I thought that you had a mouse in your RL room!!! Don't scare me like that Laughing

If i did, then you'd hear the scream. Laughing

LMAO! Laughing

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