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JHC's Small Garage.. Update Mystery Cars [ Page 3 ]

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Hi all, i'm new in here.. but i want to show my collections to u all.. Actually i started collecting HW long time ago, but i think i lost all my hotwheels thanks to my younger brothers, and cousins too.. MadMadMad . After long time not collecting (frustrated), i started again..
After about 6 months being serious in HWs hunting, tongue , i think its my time to show my little collection of my hotwheels. Most of them are new one, (2006 editions to recent)..

Now i' finished my 1st project, customs display case for my HWs.. Made it myself. took about 3 hours.. enjoys..


and 90% of my loose collections..


and this is my latest display set.. just finish in about 1 hour ago.. took me about 2 days to complete.. but door still x siap pasang, x cukup material.. Razz
design specially to fit bro eight's foldaboxes..


and triyng to fill it up with my HWs..


Not enough foldabox bro eight... Order more !! RazzRazz


currently, my new project is still in design phase (display case for non-foldabox carded HWs) for my other HWs..

thats all for now..

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nice collection you have there bro. i saw quite a number of $TH. cool!

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i think u hav to add a cover to prevent dust attacking ur cards .. nice concept thou bro

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Wow, fantastic! Wish I had your skill to make something like that.

How many foldaboxes can you fit into each row? And how tall is that display?

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@kukubeh : thanks bro

@enyo : yeah, i want to make the door but not enough materail la bro, gotta buy it more.. Smile

@sinclair : thanks bro.. hehe. u can make it.. Smile. it can fit about 16 foldabox each row. total of 80 foldaboxes.. height about 122cm @ 4 feet..

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at advertisement shop.. got many thickness ,from 1mm to 5mm.. i bought about RM110 for 3mm X 4 feet X 6 feet..

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@hokuan : thanks bro.. but not to neat la, got ugly cloudy effect on the plastic becoz too careless.. Smile

@MJ : thanks.. its not about the money, but the time.. huhu.. doing this while i'm in MC leave, haha..

@Raymond : thanks bro..

@sweetmuffinz : thanks bro..

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thanks bro SanLino..

endorse? what do you mean by that bro?? QuestionQuestion

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whoa nice nice~
nice larr the stand that can fit the foldabox...
maybe u can demo step by step in the near future...

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wow............. creative dude! keep it up

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@zint3k : thanks bro.. demo? hehe..

@yu5h : thanks bro, just a simple one .. far from perfect.. Smile

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WOW... very creative... nice display & very professionally done...

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Wow! Nice displays! Very inspiring. Makes my hands itchy already. Gonna pickup those power tools and spare MDFs and make myself a display rack.

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jhc7598 wrote:
at advertisement shop.. got many thickness ,from 1mm to 5mm.. i bought about RM110 for 3mm X 4 feet X 6 feet..

thanks for the info bro. but advertisement shop such as? Embarassed

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@eight : not very professional la bro.. Smile

@hahahayeahrite : go and make some, huhu..

@kukubeh : bro, actually i got the material "acrylic plastic " from advertisement shop, a place which made banners, stickers, advertisement boards, car's no plates and so on.. try looking@ asking for them.. Smile

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well done! i like what you did for your displays, they stand out proudly rather than kept and hidden away in some box somewhere Wink

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hehe.. thanks bro.. but actually still can't show all of them, somebody still being kept hidden inside boxes under table.. Smile

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jhc7598 wrote:
thanks bro SanLino..

endorse? what do you mean by that bro?? QuestionQuestion

meaning we help market your item to the public.. just like the foldaboxes.. =]

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i think youre inspired by this display is it? maybe you can commercialized it? alot of collectors would love em! Cool


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if can get endorsement...
sure will benefit more collectors here...
especially those with problem with storage space
like myself hehe

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thanks for the info bro. been looking for that acrylic plastic for long time already. Smile

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sorry, long time not checking this thread.. thanks all for looking n appreciating my works.. thanks all..

@sanlino : erm, that a good idea.. but its so hard to make one..
@KT : thanks.. Smile
@ADvedder : actually i thinking this on myself, i didnt know that exist.. if i knew, i think i'll buy them if it available in malaysia.. so hard and tiring to make my display.. haha..
@zint : hmm.. i think its a good idea too..
@kukubeh : try looking the plastic at advertisement shop, or printing and banner shop.. they might have..
@addrick : thanks bro..
@raymond : thanks..

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and this is my second display cabinet (for non-foldabox one)..

this is the second one in progress..

and this the finish one, alongside with my 1st one (for foldabox version)


and modified loose display box, for keeping extra cars (not arranged yet)


dats all for display set.. after this about cars.. Smile

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my JDM Collections :



Fairlady 350Z :

Others :


Evolution :

Eclipse : -not taken yet -


Celica ( Regular n Pikes Peak) and AE hachi roku, Smile..


Civics (campur²):

Acura NSX :


Impreza :

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T-hunts :

part 1/3 :

part 2/3 :

part 3/3:

Ford Thunder Bolt:

Custom '62 Chevy


Dodge Van

07 Shelby GT-500

other cars : (to be inserted later)

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nice collection you have there. but what's the diff between your TH 3rd and 4th pic?

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wahh.. sorry.. got same pic.. Razz .. now i edit.. .. sorry bro..

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jhc7598 wrote:
and this is my second display cabinet (for non-foldabox one)..

this is the second one in progress..

WOWOW i like this!! Shocked

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wow... nice collection there...
and the display cabinet for non-foldabox one looks very nice...

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@zint : thanks Smile
@kurz : like that? do one urself.. Smile
@eight : ya, i love that for non-foldabox one.. but its very heavy tho when putting all HWs inside..

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Seems like i didnt post here for a long time, huhu~~

BTW here are my latest 09's Mysteries Cars..


09's Mystery Cars

its an error.. huhu~~ lucky..

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Continue Again..

thats all.. actually got another fast fish, but forgot to take pics.. huhu~~
thanks for looking... godgod

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