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My son's HW mural!

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I had this done in my son's bedroom....
First he chose the car: he chose 2002 planet HW energy Deora II.

Then he chose the background. This is from the movie Highway 35 World Race.

And this is the artist (my sister's friend) and the work!

Needless to say, my son loves it!! He also has HW bedding! LOL

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Wow, your son is lucky to have you for a mum....he must really love that in his room

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nice! my mom would kill me if i paint my room like that. lol.

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HOLY!!! I've always wanted to paint a mural like so on my BIG white WALL!!! LOL...just can't find any appropriate theme, that Deora's gonna hit the Spot for him! Then in future, he can draw each and every Deora ever release on the 'Wall-O-DeOra' Very Happy....

CooLesT MoM!!

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wow! superb mural, and your son is so blessed! Very Happy

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wow.. nice!! great mural he got there..
looks like he's gonna be HW hardcore after this.. SmileSmile
like mother like son, SmileSmile..

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nice mural. Looking at the wall, we think only hotwheel, hotwheel , on and on... more hotwheels!! Very Happy

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deora II
i like that casting...
and superb mural~
such a sporting mom~

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Thanks for all the good word!
I've always wanted a mural.
And this just hit the spot as we both share the same passion.

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