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My Latest Haul 27/09

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1st haul at Toys 'R' us subang parade they restocked but with DK wave, since I already got all the cars that i wanted from thr DK wave so just looked around the racks and Found the Th and the Impavido cuz juz liked it
I wanted to know wether The Impavido is HTF?

Then went to Giant Bukit Tinggi and Hauled some cars there

2nd Haul today at Giant Bukit tinggi

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thanks bro

i really need to know wether the car is rare or not?

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nice haul bro.. still waiting for the gtc and i like impavido too but still don't hv....

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nice haul~
im also quite a fan of impavido (car)
and those ferrari racers sure is nice~

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