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Sinclair's new hauls (06.07.2009)

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Wee, bumped in the new black 2009 Hyper Mite. And also picked up some copper Bluebird and another Amazooom.

This is crazy la, everyday also got new hauls, I am going to be pokai. Can't I get a rest from new hauls??? Razz I think I have seen all new waves, except maybe the 2009 Mini and all the TH. Wonder if the yellow C6R has been released yet in US?

Did I mention that I saw the new car Thread Air? It has tiny wheels like the Wild Thing. This is definitely for kids 3+ Razz

OK, NO MORE BUYING I SAID. Then DAYUM! Bumped into new wave MBX (BIG FACE PALM PLS! Razz ). Go to Other Hobbies for haul pic. (Somebody pls save me!!)

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bro, i come to save you!Sale some of your haul to me, i can now transfer money to you thru Paypal, deal ?? Razz

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Buy too many later cant bring back habis Razz

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nice nice nice.....can book again?
cooper nissan.......hihi

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nice mite.. arghh, if i go to OZ, sure stay there, coz pokai.. huhu~~

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^ wait till imigresen come take u back malaysia..hahah lol!

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Message From Customs Malaysia :-

Dear Mr Sinclair, all of your HW purchases will be confiscated due to health hazard
to yourself. We are trying to contain the spread of the virus.

All of your purchase will be distributed equally among all of your HWCM friends.

Thank you.

Twisted EvilTwisted Evil

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LMAO @ Chah! You are too funny!!!

As for Mr. Sinclair saying NO MORE BUYING, I say Yeah right!!!
You know how many times I've said that to myself? (ok it was my husband but that's not the point!)
Sorry, once you tasted the dark side, there ain't no going back!

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kurz wrote:
^ wait till imigresen come take u back malaysia..hahah lol!

LoL.. sure they can find me on major shopping complex, toys section.. haha..

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mr sinclair is really on hauls heaven there...
nice catch...
that amazoom is super nice...

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nice red windows civic :buddies:

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nice haul there mr. sinclair... ShockedShockedShocked

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yummieee.....nice2....all of this malaysian market don't have ah?? Crying or Very sad

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