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Sinclair's new MBX haul (06.07.2009). New wave is out!!

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I really didn't expect this. Browsing the shelves and seeing old new wave HW, and suddenly wham! OMG, does that look like a MBX silver CTR???? Then pow pow pow, all the new cars hit me right in the face! OMG, my hands not enough to hold all, have to let go some Crying or Very sad Just took a little. I think I should not go out anymore...

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Other models sighted :

1. yellow Toyota Land Cruiser
2. 4x4 Jeep Wrangler black/red
3. 2 new Police cars - Dodge Charger and that Victoria car again
4. 1 new yellow taxi
5. gold Corvette ZR1
6. 2 new fire engines
7. a very cool looking black with white tiger stripes Ridge Rider
8. Lotus Evora dark green with gold rims
9. Dodge stationwagon red with woodie sides and 2 surf boards on the top.
10. new colors for Scraper, Forklift,Baja Bandit and a few more models.

Now wondering if I should have taken that Land Cruiser...

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But do you notice that all are in old format card? I wonder why. MBX cards are different in Oz compared to M'sia. Even the back is different.

The pic is not clear but the VW 181 has the word 'The Thing' on the side. And the Porsche 911 is black, has a orange stripe on the side and red rims. Looks really garang. In fact I noticed that more models in this wave have painted wheels, not silver anymore. Maybe MBX is trying something different.

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Wow, from you description, these cars are different from the plain mbx which models after real life everyday cars.....they are looking more and more like hotwheels? A little bit more exciting.?

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hish................. yellow pon tak smp... silver dah keluar..


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i want that austin mini, that DAF,that GT3,arrghhh...i want all.... affraidaffraid

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That mean that place people don't collect Matchbox as crazy as us

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CTR is so hard to find, if the yellow one comes also 'takan jumpa punya.' hahaha

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next time, if you buy toyota l/cruiser, please buy extra for me bro sinclair Razz

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No new ones, but I think they have just released new ones (same as the ones in Malaysia) so I don't expect new ones soon.

Btw, opened up the 911, nice!

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That CTR is awsome, luckily i have score that 3 colors red, yellow and silver.

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