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Py POS for the day 18/8/09

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hik hik....Abang.......nak jual tak.....??


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this bro py equip with thunt $ sensors, everywhere he goes, sure hit the $$$$!!! . Bro. i really salute you!!!!!!!!!!! godgodgod

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huhu u got so many '09 super,comes trade with me la bro huhu, buat apa mau simpan banyak2 hehe Twisted Evil

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Thanks all

@ckh - took out my money is to pay for it ma...Smile

@those who wanna trade or Buy - I rather RAOK

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me want, huhu~~ still cant manage to catch this super, arghh...

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pydrumerboy wrote:

@those who wanna trade or Buy - I rather RAOK

huhuu~ who the lucky person to get RAOK'ed.

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me laa. me laa. me laa. the wave at my place super duper slow.

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good to them bro! joget see who will be lucky to be RAOK this time round.
wish them good luck!! lol!

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Take out RM7 then pay for the junk food not shown there. The T-hunt is hidden in some rack, then defaced at the back, "Pydrummer was ere 1st! tongue "

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lolz those who got roak don't forget to ROAK other members ya

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@demon - still waiting for my RAOK from you.....Smile....If you send it, then I am sure the sender's postal address wil be on the postal slip .... kekeke

@raymond - thanks dude

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