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mohdone 1st ramadhan project - display cabinet

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As today is the 1st day of Ramadhan and the day seem longer than non-ramadhan day. Got this idea to keep both son and dad occupied until breaking fast time.

Project: Small Display Cabinet (my small ferraris collection)

Materials: Used materials from the old study desk drawer.

Completed about an hour ago.

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in red! would be hot for my red ferrari collection! brows
ur not gonner cover it with glass or any transparent material?

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Hmmm, no cover at this moment. Still looking for the arcylic supplier in Banting.

Need to buy more acrylic as next project most probably will be Naza Italia Showroom (of course, in miniature). Now drafting the blue-print.

Wish me luck..

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wah.. got blueprint summore.. sure gempak when done.. waiting~~~

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reduce, re-use and re-cycle.

save the environment today for our children tomorrow.


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nice cabinet,and lookalike ferrari showroom.....in smaller scales!!!!!!! clap

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wow..very nice...i also decided to make one naza italia miniature once i finish my pmr..my 1st work after pmr..now im collectng as many pics of naza italia...anyone can help?

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Another Ferrari fan!!!! Very Happy nicely done...keep up the good work...hope to see ur upcoming Naza Italia showroom soon.... Very Happy

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I can help you with the pictures, rikmun if you want.

Been there once last month and now trying to scale them down proportionally. I already have the basic lay-out (visualized from the 1st visit) and maybe next week will go there again to double confirm my estimation. Of course, will not go there with measurement tape. Sure kena chase out by the security...

Thanks all for the comments too.


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Got the feeling it will awesome .

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cool use of recycled items~
nice garage for the ferraris...
spotted a few F430...

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mohdone wrote:
I can help you with the pictures, rikmun if you want.

Been there once last month and now trying to scale them down proportionally. I already have the basic lay-out (visualized from the 1st visit) and maybe next week will go there again to double confirm my estimation. Of course, will not go there with measurement tape. Sure kena chase out by the security...

Thanks all for the comments too.


thanks..can pm me your msn?

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