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How come my office isn't as cool as this?

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haha. good one. perhaps i should buy one nerf and keep in office. Smile

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WTH? LOL, can't be an amateur project, who can afford all those toys! Nice!

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i have maverick.. n i use it to shoot my son huhuhu Evil or Very Mad

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:LOL!: ...The war between the SALES & IT Dept!!! Think they use this way to release their job presure!!!! Hope my office will had these same toys !!

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If every office as fun as this every week or month, who would not want to work there? Pity those who wrok as janitor there though.

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if u r using facebook there r NERF community.. last month they make a tournament and fought each other in empty building..

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sinclair wrote:
There must have been hundreds of darts lying about after that. Shocked

next meet up.. dont slaughter... but shoot HW with NERF.. huhuhu sweat :moderatred:

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cool.....we can start collecting our own weapo for futher project

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We don't use nerf bullets. We mod the guns to fire loose HW cars. hahaha. Yes i'm violent. Twisted Evil

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If hw i think we use Blimps with it's more rounded design would be less harmful, same time we could help Mattel clear the Blimps out there so they can restock faster.

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undercoverbrother wrote:
If hw i think we use Blimps with it's more rounded design would be less harmful, same time we could help Mattel clear the Blimps out there so they can restock faster.

cooooooooooooooooool!.. but dragster are more than blimps... huhuhu

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cool video..
maybe one day we cud organise a paintball outing..
if can get 20 ppl i can book the location.
its a jungle terrain. so u can roll around in the bushes if u want..

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paintball hurts like hell....but should be fun to have some bruises especially the face....... Smile

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