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this past weeks never haul carded one since no new wave or new stock spotted, only managed to haul loose cars only, but still like it much...these are the car...enjoy

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zacktan wrote:
That's a Bugatti from Mystery series

oic...mystery series, which year is that? ... thanks for the info bro..

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@ sinclair - thanks bro..like that black hotbird also

@py - yeah..the white one is the nice and the red one is the naughty...hehehe

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RGSUKAN wrote:
oic...mystery series, which year is that? ... thanks for the info bro..

Should be year 2007 Mystery series.

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Hu hu hu!! Banyaknya tayar Getah!!! Really like ur haul there!
Today ..u and Danielh make me mulut berbuih aje!!

Pls show more of ur collection!!

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chee keng hong wrote:
Hu hu hu!! Banyaknya tayar Getah!!! Really like ur haul there!
Today ..u and Danielh make me mulut berbuih aje!!

Pls show more of ur collection!!

some with pasar malam haul and amcorp mallje...hehehe..you didnt see sinclair bugke bro?itu bukan bebuih mulutje...itu tangan pegangpun shakingla..

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Sinclair bug?? Ada! Dah tak tahu apa yg nak di katakan atau diucapkan!
Mulut ternganga aje bila nampak kumbang "mutant" itu!!!

i jus can show this emotion....

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chee keng hong wrote:
Sinclair bug?? Ada! Dah tak tahu apa yg nak di katakan atau diucapkan!
Mulut ternganga aje bila nampak kumbang "mutant" itu!!!

i jus can show this emotion....

yupp me tooo ...pontian dont have bazar ramadan or ekspokaa? maybe you can try there to get some loose cars...more cheaper,rm10/3pcs...

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Wakakakakak! Pontian got bazar ramadan and ekspo but jual kuih muih dan baju raya dan mercun!! Hotwheels?? Mana ade?? Pontian is dead place for hotwheels lah!
Rm10 for 3 pcs?? Bro...u got ah?? Kasi lepas kasi gua!! Timakasih!!

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chee keng hong wrote:
Wakakakakak! Pontian got bazar ramadan and ekspo but jual kuih muih dan baju raya dan mercun!! Hotwheels?? Mana ade?? Pontian is dead place for hotwheels lah!
Rm10 for 3 pcs?? Bro...u got ah?? Kasi lepas kasi gua!! Timakasih!!

yupp..rm10 for 3pcs..got more at bazar ramadan Parit Raja, last 2 weeks was there,but some of the car got chip here and there..took 3 $hotbird and others..now dont knowla still got or not..

last time at Port Dickson also got sale this loose HW..

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some pasar malam sell HWlaa bro...lucky if you found it, but nowadays semakin kurang pulak, nasib nasibje..big expo or pasar malam at Cheras, Rawang, Puchong probably got..last time Putrjaya also got, now no more..

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RGSUKAN wrote:
some pasar malam sell HWlaa bro...lucky if you found it, but nowadays semakin kurang pulak, nasib nasibje..big expo or pasar malam at Cheras, Rawang, Puchong probably got..last time Putrjaya also got, now no more..

so next time when u retired d...u put on sales all ur hw at Pt Raja Pasar malam...i come and tapau!!

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thanks aphong..itu pasar malam punya haul, was very shocked coz pasar malam got this kind of car..usually buruk buruk one..

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chee keng hong wrote:
RGSUKAN wrote:
some pasar malam sell HWlaa bro...lucky if you found it, but nowadays semakin kurang pulak, nasib nasibje..big expo or pasar malam at Cheras, Rawang, Puchong probably got..last time Putrjaya also got, now no more..

so next time when u retired d...u put on sales all ur hw at Pt Raja Pasar malam...i come and tapau!!

you're the 1st person i bagitau..

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i heard some night market do sells loose hotwheels but have yet to seen one myself other than the bazaar in PD & Amcorp flea market.

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didn't know pasar malam also selling hw. hehe. nice haul there bro. so many tayar getah.

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yea..worth it for those rubber at rm10..but their nice stuff stock are very limited,have to be a bit choosy..

anyway, thanks to you all for your comment...

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huh,pasar malam also got sell hw? wah,now everynite must rounding pasar malam oredi......hehe

nice haul,l;ike the bugatti a lot.........

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thanks all for your comments..yeah from now on, pasar malam will be a nice place to hunts HW..if penat can makan makan also...hehehe

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RGSUKAN wrote:
thanks all for your comments..yeah from now on, pasar malam will be a nice place to hunts HW..if penat can makan makan also...hehehe

Makan and Haul!! Great! 2 in 1 !! Jangan lupa saya punya juga ah!!

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