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Pydrumerboy POS for the day 2 Oct

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After countless baggers and qombee encounters......something not new but better than those mentioned before......no sign of super yet.....

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nice haul Py! Blue highway hauler and one single thunt! frankly speaking.... i havent scores any single thunt on the peg yet, maybe not my lucky day. just manage to get it from forumer only, hehe...

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@daniel - thanks, well as you as you can see I have not been POS ing so I thin this lack of the wanted waves is apparent, I think all are affected.

@sinclair - yes Like the guiness stout on Arthur's day, free flowing once again.....for now .... ulp

@ckh - you can get the greens anytime la, from other power forummers....hehe

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the green king in action again.........congrate & great haul!

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nice one py...i no new haul lately...busy raya...hehehe congrats bro, must find that $uperla bro...

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hahaha...that one my wife cook just for me one..thats why i love her much...hahaha Razz ..

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RGSUKAN wrote:
hahaha...that one my wife cook just for me one..thats why i love her much...hahaha ..

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