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PY POS for the day 24 Oct

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Alright nothing much, all these on morning brunch haul....

And on another note managed to get these, my first 2010 cars hope to find more soon

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pydrumerboy wrote:
@ckh thanks - first time pokai bypass so many cars....spend so much on hw this month

No worry bro!! Me..too!! pokai !! And jus notice that i still got some pending bills thay yet to settle!!

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pydrumerboy wrote:
Yeah please no more wave please

that is a first time i have ever seen any malaysian collector say that! props to mattel sea for good wave distributions? Smile

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It is NOT good wave distributon, I repeat this is NOT good wave distribution.......Good wave distribution means one wave after the other in a month in between, this is like booom, all in the same day/week....Smile but cannot complain much, better than no wave

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^ +1

nice purple TH. congraz py. i'm still finding that purple TH. Smile

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@kuku - yeah purple pimp car Smile
@sinclair - so many all over, 3 waves in tandem
@jhc- thank you, just a small haul

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Great score again ~ But 53' chevy comes with 2010 cars ? Getting more confuse abt the wave assortment de~

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Congrats pydrummer , Another t-hunt very nice haul of the latest wave!
wish i can find a ford t-hunt.. so far none found

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wow this is gettting interesting!
so many waves

its like "NAH AMIK KAU!" by mattel

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Look like damn easy for you guys to find cars. hehehe. Some cars like GTR & CLK cannot see at all.

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congrats on your new haul!!!!!!!!!!! it's nice to know all the new wave are coming!!!!!!!!

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netmatrix wrote:
Look like damn easy for you guys to find cars. hehehe. Some cars like GTR & CLK cannot see at all.

I agreed.

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