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New use for the Flying Lady................

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who put it there?

the driver, the owner or car washer..??
looks jatuh standard...

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Bukan, that lady want to have a sip, she's so thirsty being out in the sun and all, so that's why she have to bend over, hehehe....just a little bit more to the straw, iyah...iyah..

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Fadli85 wrote:
Bukan, that lady want to have a sip, she's so thirsty being out in the sun and all, so that's why she have to bend over, hehehe....just a little bit more to the straw, iyah...iyah..


Poor RR.. Kena humiliated.

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oi kasi angkat tu rantai oi aku da nak jatuh ni... sakit belakang oi....
tolon.... tinggi tuuu.... waaahhh

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undercoverbrother wrote:
If ucb's car designer for the ornament i gonna create Flying Dude instead and place bar of soap right below him. Baru artistic.

this sounds like prison joke je... hehehe

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Hahaha. That car in workshop and the mechanics could not find a hook for the drink. There is also the side mirror version, the windows wiper version and the rare exhaust version. Lets just say, i hang out at workshops just as often sometime ago.

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nasid baik gantung air,.... kalau dia sidai baju ker, cadar ke... ahahahahah.... baru kena migrain mcm nie!!! hehehehehehe

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