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Spoiler doesn't spoil. :P

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I wonder if it is just me, or is the forum acting a little weird? The spoilers doesn't spoil anymore. hahahaha. And some of the post layout seems weird. I think there is something wrong with the engine. So wassap Mr Admins? Renovation in progress?


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maybe in progress of renovation maybe.. we had to wait till further notice.. maybe some one can clear about this..

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I thought i am the one that encounter this....due to internet connections..but..seem that's a problem with our HWCM engine!!!

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Unless you have 2 computers, you won't know the forum is a little buggy. But its a heads up, better late than never. And are they going to get rid of this weird pink paint scheme? hahaha

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let me see..........hmm doesn't work.
the spoiler does not function at all.

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Mayabe this HWCM already overloaded with lots of comments /post/topic!
Should consider coming out with "V2 HWCM"!!

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Yep, the forum seems to be acting up. Hope the admin fixes it soon.

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Demonicle should scare the software back in order. Maybe do a "grenades under my coat threat". hahaha.

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I think its time you create a new forum again. The bad news is maybe the old post would have to be sacrificed.

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either that or someone has hacked thru the forum and disabled some of the features... all are just simple programming on the codes.. maybe la..
I dunno IT.. works as HW salesman all the while.. ehehehe

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highly unlikely hackers..

more like wannabes if you ask me. real hackers wont fool around with the BBCodes and functions like this.

They'll probably delete important posts, or delete the forum database. Or even flood the forum with pr0n.

[quote=lol] Hello.. ? [/quote]

[spoiler] Welcome .. ? [/quote]

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ok peepole!

there forum host is having some problems and complaints have already been made by other forums as well.
they are trying to fix the problem as fast as possible.

i hope and wish everybody is patient about this.


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lol.. btw we all have to be patient.. our mods and admins all have individual personal carrier so we had to wait~ Smile

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Mod & Admin, some distortion happened. Avatar portion at the left moved to the post area. Take note.

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