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Some of my few hauls arrivals.
Firstly, I ordered this Delivery Series "Q" case quite some ago. (more than a month)
Finally it came and when I opened it, I realized something, see for yourself...

P Case, Delivery Slick Rides, FRESH...

Hello there...



See something amiss?

3 Dairy Delivery & NO '69 VW Volkswagen squareback which supposed to come along with "Q" case.
Regardless, shouldn't be any 3 DDs in any case.
Very odd.
I don't know whether to be happy or sad. Never the less, I'm glad it came.

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The Three DDs: Note one of them got a poor colour paint.

Flip over the bottom & there's a base variant. Dark & Light, one with C25 imprinted.

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too good to be true man.. nice haul..
i am still dreaming of the wheels.. wants those shinny wheels so bad.. haha.. Very Happy

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chee keng hong wrote:
oh my!! wat a great haul..bro!! Drool over those casting..especially the DD & BS orange! Of course..CC Penzoil..too!!

Thanks, drool no more, get it man! It's 100x better to see it from your own eyes.

kelvinator21 wrote:
too good to be true man.. nice haul..
i am still dreaming of the wheels.. wants those shinny wheels so bad.. haha.. Very Happy

Aisey, those are easy for you to get it.

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Great stuff. Should be easy to get the VW Variant. Sell 1 DD can get 2 VW Variant. Rolling EyesRazz

I'm still looking out for the 64 GMC Panel. Hope to score in the next few days.

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Here's a little off topic story:

I went to one of my friend's house today, he's also a HW collector.
And he had some haulage arrivals too, so I went there to see what he's gotten.
He's got some really good haul but what impressed me most is the seller.
Because he's got a few items from the seller, the seller gave him a FREE car.

This is what my friend got from the seller.
2004 Meyers Manx Treasure Hunt. Which I almost forgotten it existed.

Look at the condition of the card, like new. It's still mint and it's FREE.

What a cool seller right?
I thought this photo is worth a sharing.

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good lord, my friend..
you know what i noticed?? the wheels.. the wording on the tires man!!!
that is what impressed me most.. !!
Your friend is the luckiest man alive man!!! haha...
still thinking of how to put the small wording on the tires.. specially the rubber tires... Very Happy
Anyway.. what an impressive discovery !! 2004 is the year i started to sell hot wheels.. that time, i was a total dummy.. hahaha lol!

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Congrate atomkinder for those splendid hauls. Have bullet can buy.

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sinclair wrote:
Very nice.
Your friend must have had a MASSIVE haul. Shocked

No, not much, that's the thing!
around 4 carded stuff: 1 Mail in, 1 thunt, 1 Garage & 1 RLC. That's it.
Which he got it in a very decent price.

kelvinator21 wrote:
good lord, my friend..
you know what i noticed?? the wheels.. the wording on the tires man!!!
that is what impressed me most.. !!
Your friend is the luckiest man alive man!!! haha...

Yes! But I don't remembered if Meyers Manx ever hit Msia shelves.
This one ask Rayz. I know in 04, I saw TH Morris Wagon, Audacious & Super Smooth...think so.
Yeah he's very lucky.

Here's another shot:

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No.. no .. not protecto man..
let's get the wheels out and put it into some special cars to test it out how it looks like eh.. Very Happy

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Late reply...but yes the Manx hit Malaysia...just on a different card. As this was the last few THs for that year...it was one of the few who got the transition cards from 2004 --> 2005...i myself still looking for the 2005 card vary (the one in pic)...

Atom...am interested in the 'poor' paint DD...let's trade Wink

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sinclair wrote:
Well, that's your luck.
Now get that into a protector immediately.

It's not mine I said!

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Nice hauling there bro...

Someone bought a Q Case and it look a bit different than yours.. It seems he has 2 DD and a VW Variant and you are having 3 DDs.. The rest of the stuff are the same.. But just in case you wnat to sell those DD, I have ready buyer for you.. Smile

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is that just lucky to got 3 DDs? or should be the other way round.
anyway , it's still a nice hauls! Razz

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mushr00m wrote:
Nice hauling there bro...

Someone bought a Q Case and it look a bit different than yours.. It seems he has 2 DD and a VW Variant and you are having 3 DDs.. The rest of the stuff are the same.. But just in case you wnat to sell those DD, I have ready buyer for you.. Smile

Think I know who you're talkin about, because we ordered the same time. 2 DD and a VW is a correct Q case.
Well, we can always 'bincang' punya

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mushr00m wrote:
The bottom right DD has a smudge on the rear fender or izit a casting defect?

Paint error la that one, no QC.

This one needs another bump

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So what can u do if the box didn't come with what it should.. u can return it with a note can't u..

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The 29/34 , 8 Crate is Lime Green black Real Riders and red TRW tampo, why the 17/34 ( ? first color ) that is Silver with red TRW tampo and Red line Real Riders is Volkswagen Deluxe on card? Error?
8 Crate = Volkswagen Deluxe?

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