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Knowing your husband/wife beforehand

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My prayers are for you Sunshine2. The one thing we all need to understand is that marriage is NOT a fairytale and we need to work at it regardless if God puts it together or not. Thanks for opening us and sharing.

Although I agree with Dreamz and his comments about free will, I felt I needed to bring balance to what was said. I do believe that God gives us ALL free will...however I also believe that God is not a MAN that he would lie. If God takes the time to show someone who their mate is then he knows the decisions that will be made. He is an ALL knowing God. He puts HIS desires in us as we spend time in His presence. We have choice when it comes to mates and I believe that is true to those who don't know who their spouses are beforehand, but if God is BIG enough to show you, then we all need to know that there is a plan for the union. Yes, nothing is absolute in God, but his promises are...the promises of God are "Yea and Amen".

We just need to make sure we are hearing from God and not a strange spirit. I knew things about my mate's life before they have happened. Because he is a semi-well known figure, I am privy to read and hear things about his life and so far things have lined up. I saw his marriage to a woman who was no good for him six years before he married her and I saw the divorce. When I read about it, my mouth hit the floor. It was God's way of confirming the dreams to me and I am grateful to him for that. My job now is to prepare myself and get the right perspective of marriage and learn all I can about it. I'm not anxious for it because God said to be anxious for NOTHING...I'm in expectation like I am for every other promise God has given to me. When we are anxious, we prolong things and God doesn't want anything to be prolonged because He desires to get the glory out of the union.


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AMEN AMEN!! CHOLETTE I agree Fully with you . I am gald you cleared this up. We need to seek the Lord to confirm what GOd has shown is what he wants for us. So I think if there is doubt about your future boo!! I think you should seek the LORD!! Although it might take time to get the answer but he will answer. For some you will get the answer right away. By the way I always ask God for confirmation because I want to be in Gods perfect will. So far when I ask him He always give me a dream or a word from someone.. As you all know I been challenged by this helpmate thing... Lord knows I want my helpmate, but it will be in Gods timing. So I pray those of you who know or maybe dont know to be encouraged.Alot of times the Devil will play mind games. So you have to bind up and loose God word...Love ya!! God is not a man that he shall lie!! I must say the more I been in preparation stage another layer of flesh comes off of me. My man of God and others will be happy~~ and of course GOD!!

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I always heard, and felt to be true, that there are two people we can't choose on our own...our Pastor and our mate. Those two people should be left up to God.

Cases in point...My Pastor:
I was attending a church in one city and lived in another. I had been a part of this church every since I was a kid. This church was my home. It had gotten to the point where I could only make the Sunday morning and sometimes Sunday night services. No prayer meeting services. No Wednesday night bible studies. I knew that wasn't enough to carry me through the week. I prayed and talked to God about it. I told Him I wanted Him to either move me back to the city my church was in or place me in the church "He" wanted me to be. The place "He" knew I would be fed and grow. I visited a few churches and they all were Holy Ghost filled. One day I was invited to a Pastoral Appreciation by a friend. I went and as soon as I walked through the door I felt like I was at home. I knew this was where God wanted me to be. I got confirmation as soon as the service was over that God wanted me to plant my feet in this church. There have been trials to come soon after I became a member to the point where I wanted to leave but God told me I wasn't going anywhere. He said that I was going to sit there and I was going to get through it...and I did. I'm still there...

My husband:
I was wrestling with wanting to be married to a guy for a looooong time. I was praying about it to what seems like forever and just wondering when I would be married and to who. My daughter came to me one morning and told me she had a dream about me and this guy that I was so in love with who I thought was my husband for years. She said we were getting ready to get married. We were in the church and everything. She said we didn't get married. I asked her why. She said, "Yall was going to get married but yall didn't get married because you couldn't marry (?). (?) was crying because you couldn't marry him and he wanted to marry you." I asked her if I got married and she said, "Yes, ma'am. BUT YOU COULDN'T PICK HIM. THAT MAN HAD TO PICK HIM!" I asked her what man. And she said, "That man with that book in his hand." (I think she was seeing a Pastor (that man) with a bible (that book) performing the ceremony and I think the Pastor represented Jesus. I asked her if I tried to pick my husband and she said, "Yes, ma'am but everytime you pointed at one and asked him if you could marry him, he said no. You couldn't pick him. That man had to pick him." Each time I questioned her about my getting married anyway in her dream; she would tell me I did get married but she would make it a point to say, "YOU COULDN'T PICK HIM. THAT MAN HAD TO PICK HIM!"

Yes, I believe God gives us free will but I want my will to line up with HIS WILL. When His desires for our lives become our desires is the recipe for Him giving us the desires of our hearts because He's the one who put them there. It would make no sense for Him to cause us to hungar, thirst and desire something that He won't give us. He wouldn't torture us that way. There is a purpose for everything God does and the enemy knows it. That's why he tries to bring division in marriages and churches. He knows if the husband and wife that God has joined together (made for each other...bone of my bone - flesh of my flesh) is united they are going to wage war against him. If this union places God first in their lives there is nothing the devil can do to destroy it and the power of joined prayer between a husband and a wife is a force to be reckon with. They can recognize the enemies plots, plans, and schemes and pray/speak against them and the spirits that come with them together. A three fold cord is not easily broken!

If you're in under the leadership (Pastor) that God has placed you under the devil is scared straight. He knows you are going to get what you need, when you need it at whatever season in your life you're in. God knows what Pastor has what you need. The enemy don't want that any more than he want us to be united with the mate God created us to be with.

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Good point V... So in other words what God has for you is for you. Perhaps he used you child for confirmation. Again I am a big on confirmation... Also if you are covered with the right leardership they will also know and confirm. So I pray God will also send a confirmation to my overseers. I remember I was attending Bible college last year and I remember this man who is not a memeber of my church and he told one of the members at my church that my husband Is a nice handsome man in other words he was confirming what God was saying. Listen its important to apart of a church that has great intercessors. Thats what they do pray for you and God will use them to help you. Also the day the man of GOd comes I will bring this man of God to my pastor. So he has to meet my family and my spirtual family. God will confirm through 2-3 witnesses. Trust in Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding.

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Okay, so at first I wasn't understanding what you were saying Virtuous. It seemed like you were saying that the pastor is to choose your mate. I was disagreeing with you there for a minute because even in my church, they have premarital and the pastor can only suggest whether or not you are ready to be married, but he can't tell you who to marry or if you can be married...that's in my church.

I don't have anything against pastor's and their oversight in our lives, but we most DEFINATELY have to rely on God more than man for our answers and our confirmation. The Bible clearly states to not lean on the arms of flesh. I have been known to put so much stock in the man in the pulpit and when he does something that was against the Word of God then I was devastated. I hate being in that place in my mind because that shows me where I have put a person on a pedistal...higher in my mind then God ever wanted him to be.

I'm all for going to the Pastor, but to SOLELY put the decision or confirmation in his/her hands to weather or not to make your decision even when you know God has said yes, I have a problem with that.

If I'm misinterpreting what you are saying, help me out. :uhoh:

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So in other words what God has for you is for you

I am a firm believer in that. NOONE can thrawt God's plan for your life...noone!

You're not alone because I look for confirmation as well.
Also the day the man of GOd comes I will bring this man of God to my pastor. So he has to meet my family and my spirtual family.

It's funny you mention that. I had a dream a few months ago. I dreamt I married the wrong man. I remember saying, "Oh, my God. I didn't even talk to Pastor about marrying him." So, I know how important it is to have my Pastor in prayer and we will seek God together to confirm who I'm to marry. In my dream, I was also worried about the ministry my husband and I have. If I marry the wrong person, the ministry...well, let's just say we have to marry the right person...

Hey, I'm about to start another thread. I want to see what other's think about that as well!

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I think you misunderstood me or I wasn't very clear. The man with the book in my daughters dream; I interpreted him to be God...not a Pastor. I don't think God would put that kind of responsibility in the hands of a Pastor. Only He knows that.

Giiiirrrrrrrrrl, don't make me take off running in this place!!!!!!
I don't have anything against pastor's and their oversight in our lives, but we most DEFINATELY have to rely on God more than man for our answers and our confirmation. The Bible clearly states to not lean on the arms of flesh. I have been known to put so much stock in the man in the pulpit and when he does something that was against the Word of God then I was devastated. I hate being in that place in my mind because that shows me where I have put a person on a pedistal...higher in my mind then God ever wanted him to be
This happened to me too after I first joined my church. God used a very dear relative of mine to reveal to me that I had put too much trust in my Pastor and put her on a pedestal. God told her to tell me to remove my Pastor from His place in my life. What a huge eye-opener for me. So I totally agree with you on this. I totally agree with everything you said.

I will go to my Pastor and seek God about my mate but the ultimate voice I will follow will be God's.

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:whew: :whew: I'm glad I misunderstood because we usually see eye to eye on some stuff... :snicker: :

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:whew: :whew: I'm glad I misunderstood because we usually see eye to eye on some stuff... :snicker: :

So do I. Actually, I think it's safe to say we've had to endure some of the same things!

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I don't have any input, but to say that I have been tremendously blessed by all that has been shared here. Thank you ladies and gents.


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Here's my story - I guess I can tell it. When I was twelve, I dreamed about my spouse. In the dream, there was these preternaturally handsome guy with fiery red hair, that sparkled and glittered with light, and he was just beautiful and powerful, etc. Then he asked me to be his wife. I was really frightened of this man. He felt like death, know what I mean? Then this plain man with a gentle heart came to me and I ended up marrying him. IRL, keep in mind that I am twelve, and I still believed that I could get pregnant off of a kiss - courtesy of Nell Carter's "Give Me a Break". So the dream ended. That dream was right before Easter that year. So I was meditating on that in the backyard, and really thinking hard about it, and I "know" all of a sudden that I am going to Dallas in a little while. The end of the school year was on us, and, because I had perfect grades, I was privileged to board a bus to take a trip to Dallas, TX. I went there, and everywhere my foot hit, I claimed it for Christ. Now, the Lord had been talking to me, so I knew that my husband was here. I didn't know anything about Dallas, except for Knots Landing and the TV show Dallas, featuring that ambassador of doom, JR Ewing. So, after the trip, I got back on the bus and went back home. I forgot about all of this, until I turned 26, and I ended up back in Dallas, fourteen years later. This time, I already had a boyfriend and he was built like an Adonis. OMG:), anyway, God broke that up really quickly as I kept having visions that would come true about him. Finally, I left him, because as badly as I wanted him, I loved and needed God more. One day, I was sitting on my balcony in the dark and I was crying, sad because I still loved Him, and I was pleading with God to change him so that he would be acceptable to God. I really thought that would work. LOL!. That night, I went to sleep and dreamed in song. When I woke up, the Spirit told me to get dressed and go downstairs to catch the bus. When I did this, I was looking all scruffy (when you are broken-hearted, this is your scruffiest looking time) when my painter's pants on, a t-shirt, a head rag, a leather coat, and some sandals and socks. HEEEE, I should be and am embarassed about this description, but if I am going to tell the story, it may as well be right. When I stepped up on that bus, I looked into the bus driver's face and it was the same person from my dream when I was twelve! My heart stopped, I couldn't breathe. I sat down near him, and we began to have this discourse on the word of God. I wanted to see if he was - if this was - real or if my grief had taken me over into a new level of depravity. I stayed with him all that day, and when I went home, I did not care for the guy. I felt that he was arrogant and I knew that God had made a serious mistake. I wanted God to fix Kevin, begged Him. Then I did what I usually did, fend off calls from his new girlfriend and him because he was angry that she was not like me and she was angry because he was throwing me up in her face - she believed that he was cheating on her with me - only I was celibate, so that wasn't it. Integrity will get you a Primo reputation, even with the exes. So that night, I went to sleep and had another dream, and in it, we were in this office, and it had a coat rack behind the door. There was a big brown desk and the man was seated behind it. I was seated perpendicular to him, and we were laughing. There was this really tall man standing by him and he did not seem to notice. They had on the same work clothes, but the other man was deep dark with gray hair, and he was standing like he was his protection. Know what I am saying. Then I reached out and I touched the man's stomach and rubbed it lightly. We made a joke, bout him gaining weight since we had gotten married. I could not see myself, but I knew that I had a french roll in my hand, and I had on a nice ring on my wedding finger. It was a 3D type of vision. Then I woke up, flew out of bed and made myself like really fahn! After that we were together everyday. Some things have changed drastically, but I know that if God could show me that scenario, then this is what will happen. I know that my time is close. I dream of things that happen to him before they occur, so I know better than to doubt even when I do doubt. I asked God why our marriage could not happen sooner, and he showed me that he would talk to me harshly and treat me with disrespect and contempt the way that he was at the moment. I saw myself broken-hearted, crying, walking to get away, walking back because I could not stay away, and basically being used like a mop, because I wanted so badly to please Him. After that dream, I was like, OK, God, do what needs to be done that your will may be done, and that it works out to both of our advantage, and I will remember to pay my vows. I once had a dream that my cousin had a little boy with blond hair that was going in and out of my mom's cabinet, and a little while after that, he came. I saw the car that I am driving now. I was driving around near my sister's house, and I remember the whole dream. So I am nearer than I think. but after so long, is it hard for you to think it will happen once it is upon you???? It is for me, and I feel faint most days if i think about it.
But I can say that about four years ago, I had an open vision of line upon line upon line of wedding dresses all neatly hung up on a clothes line in the sky, all types of dresses from every country, for every size, weight, pregnant, not pregnant. I also saw a lot of bedding. And a bed with a colorful quilt made of seven quilts. Then I snapped to.

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WOW, HisLightbeam! I think I'm going to have to read this again...

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:seespeakhear: I am telling the absolute truth. LOL<I didn't put in everything that I remembered, because it would have been too long!!

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I once had a dream that my cousin had a little boy with blond hair that was going in and out of my mom's cabinet
This occurred during the July 4th holiday, so I am waiting for the rest of the vision to come to pass now.
I saw the car that I am driving now. I was driving around near my sister's house
The story behind the car is that it was not one that I would have chosen, and in the dream it broke down on me, which it did this past weekend, so I left it at her house. Now, it did not come to mind that this was the car until I was on the same block that I was in in the dream. Then I loved the car!!! Hehheheh.PS, I was not familiar with where she leaves now when I had the dream.

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WOW...WOW...WOW!!!!! What a story Lightbeam!!! I saw some similarities with my story. I doubted in the beginning that the man God was showing me was for me too. At the time, he was well known and me and my esteem was pretty low on the totem pole. I questioned God and my ability to hear him on this matter until, like you, God started showing me things in his life BEFORE they happened. I think I told you all before that I saw where he was going to get married to the wrong person...and he did. I saw his divorce and the pain he would be in. Then I saw us in a hospital being taken care of by a doctor. We both were released at the same time and went to a church that was across the street and we were separated because I left my purse at the hospital. I eventually went back to the church where I finally sat next to him and we embraced...however the chick he married was sitting next to him. A prophet told me before this dream that the man I was going to marry was for ME and to not pay any attention to the woman that was going to be in his life because she wasn't the one.

Anyway, I realized that we both would be in a season of healing at the same time and we are. LIke you, I'm feeling that he is closer than I think.

I believe that God is going to just shower weddings all over the place really soon. I can feel it in the atmosphere...we just need to be in position. happy dance

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Hislightbeam, was the man in the dream that you married the one that you had dated before or was this the one on the bus? I was a little confused as to which one this guy was.

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It was the one on the bus, that I was telling God I couldn't stand!!! And Cholette, there is definitely a theme here. Now, it might only be me and the way that I think, but what are the chances that all us complete strangers could be getting the same kind of info from our famous Lord?

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oh wow, that's so cool! Now it makes a little more sense. If this guy only knew....whew! I can't wait to be updated on things from here out. That goes for you too, Cholette! God's going to do some amazing stuff!

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Hey everyone I think that would be powerful if all of us rvc our helpmates around the same time. I been seeking the Lord about my helpmate. I been wondering if he is in minstry now or attending church on the regular. I think its getting closer for his arrival time. I find myself asking God to confirm at least one more time, because I dont want to make a mistake. I told God to only give me eyes for my Husband only. I find myself In the alone state. I mean my phone barely rings which is fine for me. I am totally in preparation. I had a dream that my future said we would be together by Christmas, However I had that dream in December of 2008. I am praying its this year. Lately I will be driving or watching Tv. Then I say I God I miss him. Then I say thanks for sending the man of GOD. I felt like Esther I went to a Spa yesterday I got a Facial and with nice scents and also a massage. I remember praying before I got to the spa and I asking God to let this person be a Christian working on me, and sure enough she was. So the whole time I am in this beatiful setting with dim lights soft music and I mean it was peaceful as the nice lady gave me an european facial along with the hands and feet. She too is waiting on her Boaz. So I begin to testify and I gave her the Script.... He who finds a wife finds what is good and rcv favor from the lord. She said wow thanks that verse just came alive to me.. So you see you never know where God is going to use you, because I had no intentions of minstering I was going to relax. I was gald to talk about Jesus and get pampered at the same time. Well I believe many of use will be meeting our mates this year so get ready!! get ready!! get ready!! This is not a concidence that we are all waiting for the same thing.... Love you all. I pray this helps or encourage you. thumbs

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I believe the same thing. We all are encouraging holding each other up about the SAME THING!!!!! We are helping each other to prepare for what is to come in our lives concerning our mates. Yep...Get ready, get ready, get ready.............. :thankyou: Jesus!!!!!!!

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Wowsers! I always wanted to say that. After all of these years of having no one to discuss these things with, and being the outcast, now I have a whole family that I can go online and talk to about what I love, and who I love, and why I love Him...That makes me feel great. I know that God loves me now. I feel that we are "the school of the prophets" now.

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I wanted God to fix Kevin, begged Him. Then I did what I usually did, fend off calls from his new girlfriend and him because he was angry that she was not like me and she was angry because he was throwing me up in her face - she believed that he was cheating on her with me - only I was celibate, so that wasn't it. Integrity will get you a Primo reputation, even with the exes.

AINT THAT THE TRUTH GIRL!!! lol! They never want you until you've moved on and are happy with someone else! Those exs know when you're "a good one"!

I like that testimony! God is faithful that He will bring his promises to pass!! (Joshua 21:45)

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