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Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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My fellow Dreamers,

I just wanted to wish everyone a safe and Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Remember Jesus is the reason for this season. Lets honor him by living our lives as a sacrifice this year and remember those who are not as fortunate as we are and pray for them.

Also I will be a bit in and out next week as I will be traveling some and have a very hectic schedule. I will be praying for all of you!

Love in Jesus,


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Yes, and have a safe trip aswell.....And Merry "Christ'' mas to you too, and Happy New Year.

, Halo

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Thanks sweetie. You are awesome.. Pray about tomorrow. I will be voting then and giving a word to the church.

Love in Jesus,


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Yes,I will be very much in prayer. Obey the Lord, Sister Connie and push fear to the side.


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Amen, merry christ mass to all, and may the Lord continue to cover you with His grace. Love you all. You all are in a way a great gift from the Lord.

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Merry Christmas beautiful peoples in Christ. May the Lord fill your Christmas with His love in abundance of His mercy and grace especially where family is concerned.lol K just kidding. Anyway you all have a blast and worship our beloved Jesus as He is the reason and for that I am eternally grateful. I love you Jesus.

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