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5 star D,,,,

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Now that the shock is over...now that you have the promotion...put CHRIST back in CHRISTmas and it will be all good! You know not to EVER use "Xmas" in my presence...

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um the x in xmas is the cross

true, we here know that but in the world it's a growing way to take Jesus out of the season and reduce it to a time to ONLY put up decorations, drink eggnog, go to parties, give/receive presents, and eat sweets - um, LOTS of sweets...but I digress....anyway, I also use this as an opportunity to keep the Christ in Christmas...

I also refuse to say "Happy Holidays", I say Merry Christmas. It's gotten so bad that in some public schools, they don't even say Christmas vacation or Holiday break, it's Winter break and I can't remember the term I've heard some schools use for this period, I want to say "Winter Celebrations" or something silly like that...

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Congrats "D"....you deserve it!!!! I've always wanted to know, do you take those little yellow guys with you wherever you go? Or do they just hang with you here on Mia's web site?,,,,, >(*:*)<

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lol! calm mi sweetys,, ,,i put bak in2 xmas,, not that i kood take him out, ,, remeba wer celebratg mi promo, flower

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lola21st wrote:
um the x in xmas is the cross

true, we here know that but in the world it's a growing way to take Jesus out of the season and reduce it to a time to ONLY put up decorations, drink eggnog, go to parties, give/receive presents, and eat sweets - um, LOTS of sweets...but I digress....anyway, I also use this as an opportunity to keep the Christ in Christmas...

I also refuse to say "Happy Holidays", I say Merry Christmas. It's gotten so bad that in some public schools, they don't even say Christmas vacation or Holiday break, it's Winter break and I can't remember the term I've heard some schools use for this period, I want to say "Winter Celebrations" or something silly like that...

Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen


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dreamster wrote:
lol! calm mi sweetys,, ,,i put bak in2 xmas,, not that i kood take him out, ,, remeba wer celebratg mi promo, flower

lol! rofl ROTFL :laughing:

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lol! ,,jus aswell i hav nu improved econs 2 help me communikate ,,, wer id be wivout them, ,, D,,,,, ohh is that ice cream?? i cone plse,,, lol!

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Congrats, D! thumbs thumbs clapping Um Lola, you wrote:

I also refuse to say "Happy Holidays", I say Merry Christmas.

Did you know "Holiday" comes from "Holy Day?" Once I learned that, I didn't mind hearing people tell me to have a happy holy day.

Oh yeah, back to you, Dreamster. Good job!

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Ok, D, ok...but see what happens when you take the Christ out of Christmas? It's not pretty...laugh :drama: :lordhelpus:

Anyway, let the celebrations continue!!

:werecool: :partytime:

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lol! yes lurdys ,, i guess id make a grt president in a nuke war ,, im grt at pushin buttons,, D by the beach,, ohh yes id love anutha soda lurdy t u, oh dont 4get tha ice,, lol!

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ja1721 wrote:
I wonder what Jesus would want for his birthday?? Any ideas?

He would want everyone to accept His gift.

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dreamster wrote:
lol! yes lurdys ,, i guess id make a grt president in a nuke war ,, im grt at pushin buttons,, D by the beach,, ohh yes id love anutha soda lurdy t u, oh dont 4get tha ice,, lol!


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dreamster wrote:
lol! yes lurdys ,, i guess id make a grt president in a nuke war ,, im grt at pushin buttons,, D by the beach,, ohh yes id love anutha soda lurdy t u, oh dont 4get tha ice,, lol!

:inyourdreams: :laughing: :justteasing: :lordhelpus: rofl

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Deborah wrote:
Congrats, D! thumbs thumbs clapping Um Lola, you wrote:

I also refuse to say "Happy Holidays", I say Merry Christmas.

Did you know "Holiday" comes from "Holy Day?" Once I learned that, I didn't mind hearing people tell me to have a happy holy day.

:offtopic: (apologies to the man of the thread!)

Hi Deborah!

Thanks, yes I am aware of the origin of "Holiday" and I can appreciate what you’re saying. The thing is that those that extend the greeting typically don't know that this is the case; more often than not they extend the greeting as a symbol of tolerance for the three celebrations taking place during this time (Christmas, Hanukah, and Kwanzaa - actually four if Ramadan falls during this period)...it's intended as a way of greeting without potentially offending someone who doesn't celebrate the holiday that would've been extended. Companies and schools will often use this greeting to avoid conflict (though as stated in my earlier post, schools have taken this one step further to refer to this period with even more generic names ). And then you have people who use the term because they are not religious and don't want to recognize a holy day at all...I don't want to be associated with this latter group and I do know which Holy Day I'm celebrating so when extending greetings I say Merry Christmas, even if the person I'm talking to isn't Christian. I don't do it to be self-righteous nor do I do it to be mean spirited, I do it because it's what I do - I’m a Christian, I celebrate Christmas – it’s that simple. When around my Jewish friends for example, I say Merry Christmas, they say Happy Hanukah and it's done, the holiday greetings are exchanged. (This wasn’t always in the case in my experience, especially back in the Northeast where I’m originally from.) My feeling about this is strong because whether people like it or not, the reason we have vacation time, special concerts and performances, tv specials, decorations in the mall and at home, Santa for the kids, mistletoe, candy cane, (special and exceptionally good) chocolate ( wink ), etc. during this period is because of Jesus’ birth. These things are all offshoots of our celebration of it so to reach a point where we shut out the reason for the season in both large and small ways is inappropriate. Even using ‘Merry Xmas’ as benign as it is, is another way of watering the whole season down which is why Cholette and I harassed Dreamster for his shorthand…(D, I know this wasn’t your intent, please don’t take offense at this statement)…not to mention, it provided an opportunity to antagonize Dreamster that couldn’t be passed up… nana2 rofl
it\\'s all good huggins

I hope I don't come across like a vigilante, it's just that there is a growing intolerance for anything religious (unless it's Buddhist, New Age, or Wicca) and a growing intolerance for everything Christian in the SF Bay Area which is where I live. Cholette also lives in California and I imagine she experiences the same thing in her region. I've heard more than once recently that in Silicon Valley only 6-10% of the population considers themselves religious and/or attends church duh So that means that 90% + of the population here are not yet saved. wow (What a great opportunity for missions, don’t you think?) For me, it's a small but important gesture to say Merry Christmas. People know where I stand and it potentially offers an opportunity to talk about Jesus.

Ok, I’m stepping down from my soapbox soapbox now and am unhijacking the thread….carry on with the balloons balloons woohoo dreamster


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lola21st wrote:
Deborah wrote:
Congrats, D! thumbs thumbs clapping Um Lola, you wrote:

I also refuse to say "Happy Holidays", I say Merry Christmas.

Did you know "Holiday" comes from "Holy Day?" Once I learned that, I didn't mind hearing people tell me to have a happy holy day.

:offtopic: (apologies to the man of the thread!)

Hi Deborah!

Thanks, yes I am aware of the origin of "Holiday" and I can appreciate what you’re saying. The thing is that those that extend the greeting typically don't know that this is the case; more often than not they extend the greeting as a symbol of tolerance for the three celebrations taking place during this time (Christmas, Hanukah, and Kwanzaa - actually four if Ramadan falls during this period)...it's intended as a way of greeting without potentially offending someone who doesn't celebrate the holiday that would've been extended. Companies and schools will often use this greeting to avoid conflict (though as stated in my earlier post, schools have taken this one step further to refer to this period with even more generic names ). And then you have people who use the term because they are not religious and don't want to recognize a holy day at all...I don't want to be associated with this latter group and I do know which Holy Day I'm celebrating so when extending greetings I say Merry Christmas, even if the person I'm talking to isn't Christian. I don't do it to be self-righteous nor do I do it to be mean spirited, I do it because it's what I do - I’m a Christian, I celebrate Christmas – it’s that simple. When around my Jewish friends for example, I say Merry Christmas, they say Happy Hanukah and it's done, the holiday greetings are exchanged. (This wasn’t always in the case in my experience, especially back in the Northeast where I’m originally from.) My feeling about this is strong because whether people like it or not, the reason we have vacation time, special concerts and performances, tv specials, decorations in the mall and at home, Santa for the kids, mistletoe, candy cane, (special and exceptionally good) chocolate ( wink ), etc. during this period is because of Jesus’ birth. These things are all offshoots of our celebration of it so to reach a point where we shut out the reason for the season in both large and small ways is inappropriate. Even using ‘Merry Xmas’ as benign as it is, is another way of watering the whole season down which is why Cholette and I harassed Dreamster for his shorthand…(D, I know this wasn’t your intent, please don’t take offense at this statement)…not to mention, it provided an opportunity to antagonize Dreamster that couldn’t be passed up… nana2 rofl
it\\'s all good huggins

I hope I don't come across like a vigilante, it's just that there is a growing intolerance for anything religious (unless it's Buddhist, New Age, or Wicca) and a growing intolerance for everything Christian in the SF Bay Area which is where I live. Cholette also lives in California and I imagine she experiences the same thing in her region. I've heard more than once recently that in Silicon Valley only 6-10% of the population considers themselves religious and/or attends church duh So that means that 90% + of the population here are not yet saved. wow (What a great opportunity for missions, don’t you think?) For me, it's a small but important gesture to say Merry Christmas. People know where I stand and it potentially offers an opportunity to talk about Jesus.

Ok, I’m stepping down from my soapbox soapbox now and am unhijacking the thread….carry on with the balloons balloons woohoo dreamster


Ditto, I totally agree with you.

To add my Two Cents. The "X" being used is NOT a cross. It's an "X". A cross is made like a "t". This is just another form of deception to justify removing Christ out of Christmas. I don’t care what symbol or letter is put there…it boils down to the same outcome – Christ has been removed.

AND…Congratulations, Dreamster. Only you…only you!

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lol! Vee long tme no see,, being meek an lowly i accept ur point of view,, an wont get cross [x] wiv u, if it wer me id be happy wiv D-mas,,,,, lol!

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dreamster wrote:
lol! ohh i found more lying around 4 anyone else who wants 2 preach,,

Let me know if there aren't any takers, I have a few more topics... rofl rofl happy dance idea idea :hooray: :hooray: :whew: :whew: :laughing:

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Good and entertaining conversation!!!!! I'm sure our Dad loves to see His children getting along so well !!!! and it doesnt hurt to play nice this close to Christmas....huh! (wink wink)

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lol! yes lindyloo i was thinkin that while i was dwn country, peace on erf ,,goodwill 2 all Ds,, ,,hmm we jus seem 2 be missing sum pillows so i kood impart 2 mi sistas,

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um V in the land of D we hav things called hot cross buns,, they r a bun that has an X on them,, notta t,, but everyone knows wat its all about ,,they dont feel ther leaving jesus outta easter, ,,i jus wantd 2 share that,, flower B/D,, on vacation,, lol!

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AH YES! That is the reaon for the X on the buns! I had forgotten about those cuz they aren't very popular here!

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dreamster wrote:
um V in the land of D we hav things called hot cross buns,, they r a bun that has an X on them,, notta t,, but everyone knows wat its all about ,,they dont feel ther leaving jesus outta easter, ,,i jus wantd 2 share that,, flower B/D,, on vacation,, lol!

Hot Cross Buns are a Catholic tradition (though not exclusive to Catholics these days) - people often have them on Good Friday as part of their fast (no meat, light meals)....

The part about leaving Jesus outta Easter isn't really a parallel because Christ isn't in the holy day name Easter as opposed to the holy day name Christmas....but you're right, that's where the X comes from in XMas...

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lol! flower i cant heeeeeeaaaaar u,,,, boy i cant wait 2 say sumthing really contrivershal,,, ,,mm love hot X bums

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