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Are you excited or stressed?

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Christmas is just over a week away now....so are you getting all excited and cant wait for Christmas day to be here or do you have that stressed feeling??

I'm in a really Christmas mood at the moment..went to a Christmas party this morning with my youngest and she got a pressie from Santa congratulations, love seeing the littles with so much excitement in their faces congratulations
She's at another party now....got to pick her up in a min lol

I am majorily stressed as well lol. This time next week I will (fingers crossed) be on an Aeroplane on my way to Florida, and there is so much I have still to do

It will deffinately be worth it all though congratulations

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I'm excited. I am almost finished making the presents for my family and I am feeling very relaxed about it.

Just waiting to get word about whether or not we can go to my in-laws on the North Sea coast. Hoping, hoping hoping, even though I will be Internetless there.

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Im stressed. Id like to say i look forward t christmas but its not true.

Im not an xmas person...Its just a nromal day to me.Cant wait till its all over and i can get back to my normal duties.

Altho there is one good part to christmas....all the cash i get i can go shopping =P.I love shopping but iom very fussy with what i get so take forever =P.


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I'm starting to get excited, but the stress is keeping by excitement at bay. I still have so much to shop for, and so much to do. I've been so busy to work on anything Christmas related I hope this week doesn't go by too fast!

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Definitely stressed.This is the first year I have not had my shopping done by black friday. I dont' even have a tree up yet! Yikes! I feel like Scrooge Sad

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Definitely stressed ...and think it will only get worse as the week goes on. I won't relax properly until we are at the villa next week !!

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stressed a LOT.....

we have only 3 more days in school, and because of the epidemics, we lost a lotta school days... next week no school again congratulations
you're probbably thinking, lucky me... no
in these 3 days we'll have 7 tests...
and it's really cold cause the snow is falling, and it makes me more nervous....
i cw to unwind a little for the holidays...

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i must admit i wasnt excited before (probably because i wasnt very well) but now that i am feeling better and i have my nephews and brother back in my life AND i have got everyone presents im starting to really enjoy it congratulations

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none of the above...lol

haha..its because in the country where i am now, they dont celebrate xmas...only christians do it but we all know UAE is a Muslim country and people here are mostly muslims at the same time my husband is muslim so i cant even feel the spirit of xmas at all. Im happy in a way that even in PS i could feel xmas...one time, when im decorating my pets house i cried, coz i missed christmas too much, 6 years now i dont have christmas. i miss decorating xmas trees, decorating the house with xmas stuff and all, i hope next year to have xmas in my country...where i am free to do my usual doings during xmas...

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I have a project due tomorrow, English project, and it's all about analyzing, and comprehending a short story. It takes brains and everything, and none of my partners are helping me. The thing she gave me, yes it's long, but she put everything in both the negative and the positive, making it the same thing, put into a different way. I erased all of that, and it ended up being 3 sentences.

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my 2nd quarter grades have dropped by 6 point! that's a lot and its even more stressing that i will lose my scholarship if my avg gets below a 90. I have to study study study!

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I'm excited congratulations I'm like a little kid and can't wait to open all the presents and I love giving to others so I can't wait to see my families faces, especially my mom and hubby when they open their gifts. Me and my hubby don't have any kids so it's just us and my mom (my daddy passed away feb 08 Sad) and his parents so our Christmas Eve is spent at his mom and dad's house. This year will be our 2nd Christmas being married and I want us to open ours on Christmas morning.. last year we gave in and did it after we got back from his parents' house lol.

I'm also a bit stressed.. not because of Christmas, but because our house and car payments are behind (have been for months). With Christmas it just makes it worse because you want to give your loved ones gifts, but it makes paying the bills harder. We're hoping to get caught up by tax time and we pay what we can.

Other than that though I am very excited for Christmas to be here and can't wait Smile

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