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Calling in Life?

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Does everyone know what there calling in life is?
Has God ever spoken to you about it?

How did you hear the Lord speak to you about what your calling is? I have been praying about what God has called me to do? I feel i have nothing to offer.

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Hi Sister! For me for a long time I thought my calling was my job, and to some degree it was. But as I look back and see, even my past jobs and the people that I came in contact through those jobs prepared me for my calling now (which is as a mother/wife). Sometimes along the way I just knew that I was suppose to be doing what I was doing at the time, bc there was a flow there from the Lord. I must say though, that through it all there were also times of trying. At times, I felt like I was sort of in a wilderness, but those were times now that I look back and realize there was a preparation taking place. As trying as some of my times were along the way, there was NO DOUBT when it was time for me to move on, following God towards the next training. Even in trying times, God was faithful to give me a grace to keep holding on to what it was I was suppose to be doing at the time. When I felt his grace removed from me towards what I was doing at the time (whether in ministry, volunteering , or in my workplace), I knew it was time for me to get out of my comfort zone, and step out in faith again trying something new with Him being faithful to open the right doors at the right time. I am guilty though of staying in a place of comfort,out of fear of the unknowns. This has been my experience. My calling though, has had many faces throughout my journey, and Im sure it will continue to change as God moves me forward.

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Hey Sisters! Good word, Daisy! I heard someone say one time the things that make you furious and the things that bring you great joy are good indicators of your calling. For example, one of the things that makes smoke come out of my ears are old people who sit around and say bad things about the younger generation IN FRONT OF the younger generation! I feel one of my callings is to encourage younger people, so I'm probably more sensitive to this than others may be. I'll often come prepared with testimonies of young wounded veterans of Afghanistan or something to gently change the subject from "The Youth Today don't know how to work etc etc." My feeling is if youth are rude and don't know how to do things, maybe it's because they haven't been taught or maybe it's because of great emotional wounds we can't even fathom!!!!! (Okay off my soapbox now).
I do know God has great plans for you, Sister, just like He has great plans for everyone of His children, plans to give you a future and a hope. You have something to offer!!!Even your presence among people is doing them a great favor because the kingdom of God is in you and you are one of His kids! Satan likes to discourage us whenever he can. I think he uses inferiority and insecurity to make us too scared to step into our callings. The only weapon that is strong enough to fight this is a revelation of the love of Father God, the One who made you.

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nerd often the process 2 get 2 our ''calling'' soapbox can be tuff at times,, :hairraising: :shocking: ,,we genearly base our werth on our abilities 2 do,, :cooking: ,, but lordy :jesuspic: values us on wat we be,, remeba joeseph had 14yrs of training,, moses 40yrs,, jesus 30yrs,, nerd ,,,,,,,,,, sweet dreams 2 D,,, quitea few yrs,, lol!

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Just my two cents, Sister -

There are times that it may be better that we don't have a full understanding of what our "calling" is. I know people who have had prophetic words spoken to them, and then they go out and try to make it happen in their own way. Some of them obsess over it, avoiding opportunities to minister because "that's not what my calling is."

When you look at, say, King David - He was called to be the King of Israel. He knew this in his youth. But, when this was revealed to him, it did not include instructions to "go make this happen." In fact, his life went in many different directions...a lot of which wouldn't appear to be leading him into this calling. But, he was being prepared all the while, and being a servant of God through it. Then, one day, everything came together in God's perfect timing.

When my friends have asked me what their ministry is, I often tell them that it's whatever you're doing right now. If you're seeking after God and are faithful in your current circumstances, you don't have to worry about getting to where you need to be later on. You will get there.

I also want to add this: Consider the prophet, Jonah. He knew what his calling was, and because he didn't agree with it (perhaps a sign of his immaturity in the Lord?), he purposely ran away from it for a time. If God told us, today, exactly what you'd be doing years from now...would we all be able to accept it with our current understanding?


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AMEN AMEN AND AMEN TO ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS ON THIS SUBJECT!!! What a great word each of you have shared! I just love how each person contributing can paint a full picture of what the Lord is trying to show us!!! :hooray:

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Thanks so much for sharing! u have all ministered to me & i agree w/all of you.. Mark, Daisy, Deb, Dee Man... all of you make so much sense.. im really learning a lot..

thank u so much for helping me understand even more..

and Dee ur right.. sometimes it takes many yrs to reach ur destiny.,,

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I learned of my calling early on through dreams. Even as a babe in Christ, I still didn't get the magnitude of it until this season of my life. I knew that what bothered me was an indicator of what God called me to fix, but it was even bigger than that,in my case. Yes I studied and prayed in what I knew of what I was called to do and felt like it would be something on a low scale, but what God did was bring me to a church where the Pastor had a similar calling and God revealed that to him and to me prophetically and God used him to pull it out of me. I'm not called to minister on a low scale, but to nations. I perfer low scale because I'm not an "out in front" type of person, but God said no.

I think we have to be careful in settling in what we figure out about our calling because God's ways are always higher than our ways. He's still revealing things to me in such a more grander scale then I could ever think of on my own. It helps to have God put people in your life who can mentor you and have a discerning eye. In my case, it's my Pastor...who, bythe way, is 15 years younger than me. God will use whoever he chooses...praise God.

One more thing...I believe that even what you know about your calling now, seek God in ways of how to do what he's called you to do. Sometimes the next phase or the bigger picture comes as you walk in what you know.

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yep C ,,is rite, ,,,,,,we r all in process,, if u follow the process of a porcelin cup from start 2 finish u wood see many simalaritys ,,,,,,,ohh

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I know this is an older post, but felt a need to add my two cents.

When I was between 9-12 years old, I was prophesied to by a preacher who told me I would follow in my father's footsteps (my father was a preacher about to turn pastor at the time). I respectively let him lay hands on me and went and sat down thinking to myself "Everybody ain't got a word." Little did I know God can use ANYONE He chooses to get His word to His chosen.

Add 20 plus years and hear I am FINALLY having just accepted my calling into the office of ministry (Ephesians 4:11).

Now, I'm not pulpit ready. I've accepted the call, now I have to be developed for it which I'm currently undergoing. That's another amazing story for another post about how this came about.

Nonetheless, I am furious when it comes to churches not moving forward/going after God/progressing beyond the milk/Similac "baby Christians" stage /not being a help (in all areas) to others, etc." My joy has always been (even in my sin) telling folks about the Lord, how without Him I wouldn't have made it, how He's kept me, etc. Equally, I love giving and being a blessing to others; being self-employed, etc. God has been taking me through a place of total reliance on Him which has been a journey. When you're used to being able to take care of things yourself, He has to show you whose "really" running the show. Though it's been difficult, God is faithful, I trust Him wholeheartedly and He's allowing me to understand who He TRULY is.

I laugh now when I think about the path God is taking me on. He never let me sway to far. He always kept me with one foot inside of the church and didn't let me perish without getting my other foot in too.

The Bible says seek first the kingdom of God (Matt. 6:33) and all these things (questions, desires, etc.) will be added to you. In Matt 7:7,8 it also says to seek Him and you will find Him, knock and the door will be opened. That means for everything you need - direction, guidance, etc., ask God. As your relationship with Him grows, so will the tug in you to do His will.

Seek God for every answer that you need in your life, but equally be prepared for Him to give it to you. The calling in God does not come without a cost (gift is without repentance), but a life fulfilled is worth every bit of it.

Blessings to you on your journey and may the peace of God which surpasses all understanding keep your heart and mind stayed on Him as you seek Him for your divine calling/purpose.

God Bless...

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thank you for much for sharing... and stopping by.. I appreciate it!!!

Im glad the Lord has been guiding you and gave you a great testimony to bless others with!

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all i know is that god is going to use me for something because i believe it i dont know what but its something.

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