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Is getting tattoo okay?

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Leviticus 19:28 (Amplified), "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print or tattoo any marks upon you: I am the Lord."

I have seen several preachers with tattoos on their arm, wrist, neck etc. And I don't know if they got it before or after being converted to Christianity.

Some Christians say that tattos are acceptable now because we are under the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ?

I would like to have some comments about this. What do you think?


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This is why I could never get a tattoo:
1. People I've spoken to who have gotten a tattoo say they did it because they felt rebellious. Rebellion is a favorite tool of satan. My hairdresser gets a new tattoo every year (she proudly shows them to me and I try really hard not to be judgmental) and she has told me they are addicting.

2. Worldly people get tattoos and I am to be separated from the world.
I know people take passages such as Leviticus 19 and say, "Well, if I follow everything in this chapter, then I should eat only kosher food, never trim my beard..." Yet the whole reason for these rules in the first place was God wanted His people to act and look differently from pagans.

3. Many employers will not hire someone if he/she has even one tattoo.

4. Tattoos are permanent and just because I like some design now does not mean I'll like it 20 years from now. If I'm married 20 years from now and my body belongs to my husband, what am I going to do if he doesn't like my tattoo?

5. Tattoo removal is painful and expensive. Is getting a tattoo in the first place much less having one removed being a good steward of the money God has lent us?

6. I know people say getting a cross or some other religious symbol tattooed is God-glorifying, but from what I've seen is that it draws attention to self, not God.

That said, I know this is one of those gray areas of scripture and if a person has fought this out in the trenches with the Lord and has peace about getting a tattoo, then great. I know it took me 42 years before I felt at peace about getting my ears pierced for the first time, but that's another subject..... Deborah, on her thinking chair

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I like what Deborah has posted on this.

I'm of the same mind that if you've hashed it out with God and have peace about it, then the issue is between you and God. My own personal conviction is that I was made in His image, by His hands, and he says that I was fearfully and wonderfully made. Do I need to add anything to the finished product - and would it improve upon it?

Again, this is my own personal opinion.

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Good points debbie! clapping very practical!!!

Mark, you've left a good question to ponder!

I have a co-worker, and he is a christian and a teacher, (BTW, i work in a school), he got this barb wire tattoo around his upper arm and a huge eagle at his back.

Others would say.... God does not look at our appearance but to our hearts...so it doesnt matter if I am getting tattoos on my body.

Please don't get me wrong, I definitely disagree with tattoos, not even body piercing. It just makes me wonder why Christians are getting into it.

scratching chin Owen, analyzing all comments.

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laugh hmmm ok analist owin, :reading: um i kno beleavas who hav gotten chritian tatoos nerd ,,an multyple pierceings,,guys im talkin about, oh and gurls 2,, i guess it comes bak 2 personal choice,, they gotta live wiv ther choices,, :shocking: i ask da question is it christian 2 getta boob job,, what or liposuction,, what ,,the list kood go on,, ,,i woodnt get one miself, hiding ,,mi fav scrip 4 these things is let the peace of god be ur umpire, clapping smiley dance

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what boob job! liposuction! what Censored

Gen D soldier I just cant imagine christians getting into thses stuffs!
Do ya think this is getting out of the :rules: or maby not biblical :bible: ????????????

:imconfused: Owen, confused!

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laugh laugh ohh dear, :shocking: um owan duh fear not, hiding ,,if i wer u id follow wat u kno 2 be rite, :bible: an let othas make up ther own minds, idea ,,,,,,,,, sweet dreams 2 gen d ,,at ease, lol!

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,,or if ur thinkin tatoos perhaps this wood be a grt starting place, u kood get this,,, gen d,,, ,,

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owen wrote:
Good points debbie! clapping very practical!!!

Others would say.... God does not look at our appearance but to our hearts...so it doesnt matter if I am getting tattoos on my body.

First of all, thanks for calling me "Debbie!"
Anyway, I've heard this (above) verse referred to often by people who dress like gangsters, get tattoos and other such alarming trends--it says man looks on the outer appearance, but God looks at the heart. Yes, God looks at the heart, true, but MAN looks at the outer appearance. MAN is who we are to witness to and if our outer appearance is alarming, it's really hard to look beyond that.

I know of a man who went to a job interview in a lime green suit. He didn't get the job, but he did get hired by another company and made that company millions of dollars. The person who interviewed him initially said he could not get beyond the lime green suit, no matter how hard he tried. I was watching a documentary of a famous singer not long ago and a line from it keeps haunting me. It says, "people hear what they see." For that job interviewer, a brilliant potential employee was what he lost, but what if eternal salvation was what he lost? What if the person in the lime green suit had been witnessing to him and he had rejected the message because of the packaging of the witnesser?

Yes, God does look at the heart, but man looks at the outward appearance and if that tattoo is part of that outward appearance, it could affect how or even if people hear us.

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Amen! sista Debbie,

Banned owen , saying no to tattoos

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When my children have asked about getting tattoos when the grow up, I reminded them that our bodies are a temple for the Holy Spirit. You wouldn't put graffiti on the walls of your church, so why put it on your body? And that's my view on getting tats!

soapbox wink

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Good analogy blessed1 thumbs

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Ok, I missed this topic while I was away so want to resurrect it for a couple of reasons. Mainly, this topic has been on my mind lately as well...

I've also taken the stand until recently that tattoos aren't something that Christians should partake in citing the same verses as above. A couple of months ago, I ran into the son of a friend. He's in his early 20's and is a Christian. We were at a Panda Express restaurant and he was in line. He was wearing a tank top and I noticed that he had two very prominent tattoos on both shoulders. Admittedly, I started to pass judgement and was about to accuse him of being worldly and a hypocrite ( bandaid , yes I'm dealing with myself over what can be a quick to pass judgement spirit within me...pray for me, y'all!)... BUT then I looked at one of the tattoos and realized that it was a bible opened to Psalm 23. As much as I hate to admit it,*camera lens zooms in for a face shot so that I can whisper that* the tattoo was beautiful. wow The full text was legible and must've taken forever to complete because it was very detailed. I typically hate tattoos because they're often that ugly green black colored ink but this was different. On his other arm was Psalm 91, same style.

In talking to him, I learned that it was a great conversation piece for him and he actually uses it as a witnessing tool. This kind of reminded me of Brian Welch, the former lead singer of the metal band Korn, who quit the band after he got saved, got delivered from his additions and has since done overseas missionary work, has written an autobiography and is recording Christian music. This man is covered from neck to toe with tattoos. I have no idea what any of them symbolize but I suspect they may not have much to do with Jesus since he was already covered with them when he got saved. (But I could be wrong...)

My point is that he is in a position to witness to a segment of society that I can't reach. The irony here is that those very tattoos give him a sort of 'credibility' that I wouldn't have because I look too 'establishment' for this group of people. To me this is potentially a case of using what was meant for evil/carnality and using it for good. If these tattoos have served as a conduit that opens the door for witnessing and saving souls then isn’t God is still glorified? Nothing can keep us from the love of the Lord, not even tattoos. (Romans 8:35-39)

Yet, this still doesn't mean that I support tattoos. My son asked me recently about whether I would prefer him to have a pierced ear(s) or tattoo and I told him neither but he pressed me to make a choice so I told him that if he had to get one of them then I could better live with the tattoo but that shouldn't be considered an endorsement. I reminded him that his body is a temple of the Holy Spirit so he really needed to think through whether or not this was something that he thought the Lord would approve especially based on what he told the Israelites in Leviticus.

From a practical perspective, I told him that he would have to wait until he was self-sufficient to get one - I'm just not that on board with the idea but I recognize that at some point he's going to have to make his own decisions as an adult and I may not be in agreement with some of them. (And provides enough time for me to pray God's wisdom for him and for him to hear from the Lord directly on the topic since he’s only 16.) That being said, I told him that he'd have to use common sense about it and realize that there might be consequences to having one (the employability issue) so he'd need to have it in a discreet place that's not viewable when he's working but can be exposed when he's on his own time. Also that if he were to get one, he'd have to be sure that it was something that he could live with for the rest of his life given that they're largely permanent (removing them is an involved and painful process) and given that our thoughts, interests, beliefs evolve over the course of our lives so whatever he gets must be something that is such a core part of him that it's not likely to change, i.e., no references to girlfriends, no trendy designs/quotes/etc. Can’t remember the actress but someone recently had one removed and she really regretted having one done in the first place so I reminded him of her situation. Ironically, he said that if he were to do it, he would either get a scripture verse or do a tribute to his grandfather. Ok, to be honest I’d rather he have a scripture verse tattoo than earrings or any other type of tattoo. But what is the root issue behind this – is it to evangelize or is it to fit into a carnal world but within the scope of a Christian?

So I guess this is my long winded way of wondering what about those tattoos that attempt to glorify the Lord? I say “attempt” because I’m not convinced that it’s okay but I’m seeing cases where it’s an effective evangelical tool….I suppose the answer comes back to what’s already been stated - if the person is at peace with God regarding it, then let that be the guide….but I’m still noodling over it… scratching chin


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scratching chin 2 be breif,, the otha scrip is man judges the outa apperance wer as God judges the heart of man, ,,and its not wat goes in2 a man that makes him unklean but wat proceeds frm his mouth :blah: :blah: ,,im not still not moved really eitha way hiding laugh jus so long as ther not compulsery, :shocking: :hairraising:

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too funny, ironically, I ran into the same guy this evening at a different restaurant...the real irony is that I recognized the tattoo before I recognized him.... laugh

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lola21st wrote:
if the person is at peace with God regarding it, then let that be the guide….

I completely agree with this statement! Though I don't have any tatoos myself, and I hope that my children never get any, I personally believe this to be one of those gray areas, where it really depends upon the persons personal sanctification and convictions. Kind of like some Christians can watch rated R movies or secular music without conviction or feeling condemned, but for someone else God may be speaking to them to put those things aside bc they don't edify. Two Cents Just wanted to put my two cents in... lol!

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dreamster wrote:
scratching chin 2 be breif,, the otha scrip is man judges the outa apperance wer as God judges the heart of man, ,,and its not wat goes in2 a man that makes him unklean but wat proceeds frm his mouth :blah: :blah: ,,im not still not moved really eitha way hiding laugh jus so long as ther not compulsery, :shocking: :hairraising:

These are the EXACT scriptures that came to mind when I read the original post to this thread. I really think that as Christians we pay too close to what takes place outside of a person and like to judge them accordingly. The thing is, we pick and choose what we deem good or bad. Yes our bodies belong to God, but when we lay down with people we aren't married to...gossip about people we really know nothing about...etc...you can't see those things ON A PERSON. This is why God had to put these two scriptures in the Bible, that Dee quoted, so that we can come back to the realization of what's important...man's heart...which ultimately means his motivation for doing something.

I don't care either way, to be honest with you. I'm after the soul of a person. I'm looking for them to get healed and delivered from whatever they need to be healed and delivered from. If a Christian decides to get a tattoo, it doesn't matter to me because if it doesn't change God's heart towards them, then I don't want my heart to change either.

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I don't care either way, to be honest with you. I'm after the soul of a person. I'm looking for them to get healed and delivered from whatever they need to be healed and delivered from. If a Christian decides to get a tattoo, it doesn't matter to me because if it doesn't change God's heart towards them, then I don't want my heart to change either.

Amen, I think that's the crux of it at the end of the day for me.

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Cholette, I totally agree with you. We can never jugde a person's heart by outward appeareance.

Lurdys, I was laugh at your experience with your young friend.

lola21st wrote:
too funny, ironically, I ran into the same guy this evening at a different restaurant...the real irony is that I recognized the tattoo before I recognized him.... laugh


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lola21st wrote:
I don't care either way, to be honest with you. I'm after the soul of a person. I'm looking for them to get healed and delivered from whatever they need to be healed and delivered from. If a Christian decides to get a tattoo, it doesn't matter to me because if it doesn't change God's heart towards them, then I don't want my heart to change either.

Amen, I think that's the crux of it at the end of the day for me.
Amen!! I couldn't agree more!!! happy dance

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Daisy wrote:

I completely agree with this statement! Though I don't have any tatoos myself, and I hope that my children never get any, I personally believe this to be one of those gray areas, where it really depends upon the persons personal sanctification and convictions. Kind of like some Christians can watch rated R movies or secular music without conviction or feeling condemned, but for someone else God may be speaking to them to put those things aside bc they don't edify. Two Cents Just wanted to put my two cents in... lol!

Daisy, seriously speaking, I have never known a man or woman who walks closer with God watching rated R movies, with tattoes, listening secular music, for woman; wearing mini skirts and revealing dress. You are right, I do agree that it is about personal conviction. What I have understood until now, the more I get closer to know Him and stay beside Him, the more I lost my appetite of the things of this world. and if I decide to stay away from Him even for just a day, longing of the things of this world starts to creep within me. Well, I'm not only talking about tattoos, I am talking in general. Apostle Paul said that everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial.

A friend of mine ask me and my wife why we dont have cable t.v. in my house. I told him directly that I dont want my son watching tv during his free time. My son doesn't have any idea who is superman, batman, transformers, cartoon network, and the list goes on and on. I know for sure for other parents this is crazy. In fact, someone told us that we(my wife and I) are just being too hard to our son that my son's childhood is not normal. My wife replied, "for the world is not normal, but i believe for God it's normal."
I put our son into two different Christian schools, one when he was in kinder and the other for prepaparatory. the teachers made the same comment. That our son is different from other children, different in a positive way. They said he is not violent, but respectful. He does watch t.v. sometimes, I bought him a complete set of children's Bible story. It makes me thank God that he knows more of the Bible characters than those t.v. cartoon characters.

My point is, I believe our conviction of what is okay and what is not depends on how closer are we to God.

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owen wrote:

My point is, I believe our conviction of what is okay and what is not depends on how closer are we to God.

Please dont misunderstand or misinterpret my statement above. I'm not judging anyone. In fact, one of my close friends, a Christian, has tattoos in his arm. And i havent asked him about it nor questioned him. Like you guys, it doesn't matter for me I see someone preaching the Gosper with tattoos in his arm. What matters most is the heart.

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Amen Owen! It is all about the personal walk with the Lord. I hear what you are saying about the cartoons and stuff. Now I do let my kids watch some gentler shows, but the aggressive cartoons are not for us. I do see my son next to the other boys at preschool, and he is not aggressive like the other boys. Actually, the boys started rough housing the other day and my son stepped in as such a bold leader and said, "We are NOT suppose to be fighting!" His friends stopped and listened to him. My daughter is 8 and still likes the little preschool princess cartoons (strawberry shortcake). A lot of girls her age are watching shows that cause the kids to grow up so fast, learn about kissing boys etc (iCarly, Hannah Montana). I refuse to let the standard of the world to come into our home, and shape our kids!!! Who cares what the other parents think about me if my kids are different, bc we are raising a Godly seed, they are suppose to hold a standard right? That's not to judge other parents, and everyone may have different convictions and ways to raise their kids. That doesn't make my way right, or their way wrong. All I know is I will let the Lord lead me, and as I follow whatever He convicts me to do then I know we will be blessed.

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Daisy wrote:
I refuse to let the standard of the world to come into our home, and shape our kids!!! Who cares what the other parents think about me if my kids are different, bc we are raising a Godly seed, they are suppose to hold a standard right? That's not to judge other parents, and everyone may have different convictions and ways to raise their kids. That doesn't make my way right, or their way wrong. All I know is I will let the Lord lead me, and as I follow whatever He convicts me to do then I know we will be blessed.

I think we are in the same page, Daisy. It is not the people who are responsible for our kids, it is us. It is not them who are responsible to God, it us parents.

We went to a children's party, we let our son play with other kids. At the end of party, a mother came to us (me and my wife). She said that most of the children were persuading our son to the extent of tempting him to eat candies and chocolates, even her(the mother) was also convincing him to take a bite of a delicious chocolate. To her surprise, my son told her "thank you" and put all candies and chocolates on his pocket. She asked why he didn't eat, not even one. My son said, " my mom told me not to eat candies and chocolates today." And he went back playing.

Amazed, she asked us, what did we do that our son obeyed us, even though he was away from us. I mentioned the Prov. 22:6, and she said.....Okay I understand.

I was laughing and at the same time very happy, when my son saw a poster of cartoon superheroes, he asked me what are those, and who are them, but that's another story.... lol!

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Awww!!! He sounds so precious!! Whatever your doing, its working!! :praiseg-d:

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laugh this has beena grt topik 2 debate :blah: :blah: :hairraising: ,,i remeba a testimony ofa gang memba who was covered in tattos, :shocking: head 2 toes, on his chest he hadda tatt sayin satans property, afta he came 2 da lord, that tatt supanaturaly disapered off him holy moly but the othas remained thinking

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dreamster wrote:
laugh this has beena grt topik 2 debate :blah: :blah: :hairraising: ,,i remeba a testimony ofa gang memba who was covered in tattos, :shocking: head 2 toes, on his chest he hadda tatt sayin satans property, afta he came 2 da lord, that tatt supanaturaly disapered off him holy moly but the othas remained thinking

wow wow wow what what what

Our God is an awesome God!

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Just reading this thread and find it very interesting bc I have had all the thoughts you all have had. I don't really have a problem with tattoos, especially on a young person as they don't really understand the impact the tattoos could have on them years later. The one main reason I don't get tattoos is because one day I will be married. My husband may not like tattoos and the Bible says my body will no longer be my own, but his as well. Even though I have thought about getting a small one that has something to do with Christianity, I don't out of respect for my future husband. Plus, I'm getting way past the age where it would be considered "cool!" Lol!

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Love this topic always

I had a tatoo on my arm when I was not saved. My mother had died similar to a time my best friends cousin was murdered so we went together and got small tatoos on our arms

Well anyhow I said that to say after salvation I no longer have it... Mine basically disappeared. All of the ink went away completely. You can tell it was there by faint marks, but I really believe when God claimed me into the family, he claimed me indeed.

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IN the OT, followers of pagan religions used to mark themselves with tattoos identifying which idol they served. Ie. Property of Baal. Gangs now do the same thing. They require markings which identify a person's allegiance. Apparently, Satan doesn't change much.

This verse, which says not to tattoo yourself, is preceded by a verse that says not to trim your sideburns. Another civil law meant to make a readily visible separate separation between God's people and pagans. Those laws were civil laws which have been done away with by the NT and replaced with four simple laws which were established by Apostle Peter in Acts.

Revelation 3:12

He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will not go out from it anymore; and I will write on him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God, and My new name.

Here Jesus says that He will write on us the name of Our God and, in this case, it is a direct relation to the verse in Leviticus which says not to tattoo ourselves. It seems obvious, by this verse, that things have changed.

In any case, do what Paul says and don't sin against your conscience. If you are fully convinced that there is no sin in doing so, and there is no direct biblical edict for this time to say otherwise, do what is right in your heart.

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Mia Sherwood wrote:
IN the OT, followers of pagan religions used to mark themselves with tattoos identifying which idol they served. Ie. Property of Baal. Gangs now do the same thing. They require markings which identify a person's allegiance. Apparently, Satan doesn't change much.

This verse, which says not to tattoo yourself, is preceded by a verse that says not to trim your sideburns. Another civil law meant to make a readily visible separate separation between God's people and pagans. Those laws were civil laws which have been done away with by the NT and replaced with four simple laws which were established by Apostle Peter in Acts.

Revelation 3:12

He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will not go out from it anymore; and I will write on him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God, and My new name.

Here Jesus says that He will write on us the name of Our God and, in this case, it is a direct relation to the verse in Leviticus which says not to tattoo ourselves. It seems obvious, by this verse, that things have changed.

In any case, do what Paul says and don't sin against your conscience. If you are fully convinced that there is no sin in doing so, and there is no direct biblical edict for this time to say otherwise, do what is right in your heart.

EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!' :goodpost:

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:bible: Isn't it amazing how truth that sets us free leads to fire in our bellies? That's how I feel by a Word that brings liberty. happy dance

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dreamster wrote:
laugh this has beena grt topik 2 debate :blah: :blah: :hairraising: ,,i remeba a testimony ofa gang memba who was covered in tattos, :shocking: head 2 toes, on his chest he hadda tatt sayin satans property, afta he came 2 da lord, that tatt supanaturaly disapered off him holy moly but the othas remained thinking

That's a testament to there being a difference in what offended God, and what He wanted removed, and what didn't.

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dreamster wrote:
laugh hmmm ok analist owin, :reading: um i kno beleavas who hav gotten chritian tatoos nerd ,,an multyple pierceings,,guys im talkin about, oh and gurls 2,, i guess it comes bak 2 personal choice,, they gotta live wiv ther choices,, :shocking: i ask da question is it christian 2 getta boob job,, what or liposuction,, what ,,the list kood go on,, ,,i woodnt get one miself, hiding ,,mi fav scrip 4 these things is let the peace of god be ur umpire, clapping smiley dance

Let me add: Do you buy a new car when your's gets rusty?


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Deborah wrote:
owen wrote:
Good points debbie! clapping very practical!!!

Others would say.... God does not look at our appearance but to our hearts...so it doesnt matter if I am getting tattoos on my body.

First of all, thanks for calling me "Debbie!"
Anyway, I've heard this (above) verse referred to often by people who dress like gangsters, get tattoos and other such alarming trends--it says man looks on the outer appearance, but God looks at the heart. Yes, God looks at the heart, true, but MAN looks at the outer appearance. MAN is who we are to witness to and if our outer appearance is alarming, it's really hard to look beyond that.

I know of a man who went to a job interview in a lime green suit. He didn't get the job, but he did get hired by another company and made that company millions of dollars. The person who interviewed him initially said he could not get beyond the lime green suit, no matter how hard he tried. I was watching a documentary of a famous singer not long ago and a line from it keeps haunting me. It says, "people hear what they see." For that job interviewer, a brilliant potential employee was what he lost, but what if eternal salvation was what he lost? What if the person in the lime green suit had been witnessing to him and he had rejected the message because of the packaging of the witnesser?

Yes, God does look at the heart, but man looks at the outward appearance and if that tattoo is part of that outward appearance, it could affect how or even if people hear us.

I think, to people who can relate to tattoos it would draw them in. Different strokes for different folks. Not everybody is attracted to Mr. Rogers.

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lola21st wrote:
too funny, ironically, I ran into the same guy this evening at a different restaurant...the real irony is that I recognized the tattoo before I recognized him.... laugh


By the way, I loved the post. Tattoos are definitely tools.

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Cholette wrote:
dreamster wrote:
scratching chin 2 be breif,, the otha scrip is man judges the outa apperance wer as God judges the heart of man, ,,and its not wat goes in2 a man that makes him unklean but wat proceeds frm his mouth :blah: :blah: ,,im not still not moved really eitha way hiding laugh jus so long as ther not compulsery, :shocking: :hairraising:

These are the EXACT scriptures that came to mind when I read the original post to this thread. I really think that as Christians we pay too close to what takes place outside of a person and like to judge them accordingly. The thing is, we pick and choose what we deem good or bad. Yes our bodies belong to God, but when we lay down with people we aren't married to...gossip about people we really know nothing about...etc...you can't see those things ON A PERSON. This is why God had to put these two scriptures in the Bible, that Dee quoted, so that we can come back to the realization of what's important...man's heart...which ultimately means his motivation for doing something.

I don't care either way, to be honest with you. I'm after the soul of a person. I'm looking for them to get healed and delivered from whatever they need to be healed and delivered from. If a Christian decides to get a tattoo, it doesn't matter to me because if it doesn't change God's heart towards them, then I don't want my heart to change either.


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Mia wrote: "Not everybody is attracted to Mr. Rogers."

Lol! Isn't this the truth!! I love this comment! laugh

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Daisy wrote:
Amen Owen! It is all about the personal walk with the Lord. I hear what you are saying about the cartoons and stuff. Now I do let my kids watch some gentler shows, but the aggressive cartoons are not for us. I do see my son next to the other boys at preschool, and he is not aggressive like the other boys. Actually, the boys started rough housing the other day and my son stepped in as such a bold leader and said, "We are NOT suppose to be fighting!" His friends stopped and listened to him. My daughter is 8 and still likes the little preschool princess cartoons (strawberry shortcake). A lot of girls her age are watching shows that cause the kids to grow up so fast, learn about kissing boys etc (iCarly, Hannah Montana). I refuse to let the standard of the world to come into our home, and shape our kids!!! Who cares what the other parents think about me if my kids are different, bc we are raising a Godly seed, they are suppose to hold a standard right? That's not to judge other parents, and everyone may have different convictions and ways to raise their kids. That doesn't make my way right, or their way wrong. All I know is I will let the Lord lead me, and as I follow whatever He convicts me to do then I know we will be blessed.


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This was a great thread! This topic is HOTLY debated and it's just a testament to the fruit of the Holy Spirit at work in this forum that you are all so BEAUTIFUL about it!



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