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Posts posted by lea75

  1. Toulouse wrote:
    @ Lisa: Purple is cool (one of my favorite colors as well)

    this might be a bit of a difficult question, and maybe too personal, but please ignore it if you don't want to answer it...

    what would your ideal absolute pain-free day look like? is there anything in particular you would like to do?

    I would love to be able to wake in the morning and just jump out of bed, not to have to start the day walking like the hunchback of notre dame with a very bad limp Sad

    I would love to be able to go to the park with the kids, kick a football and chase them around, mess aound on the climbing frame with them and just be a general fool.

    I would love to be able to get past late afternoon without being so tired it is just an effort to move. Get down on the floor and be the tickle monster and play fight with the girls

    I would also love to take my girls horse riding.

    I'm hopeful that with medication I will be able to do some of these things....fingers crossed xx

  2. Pedj@ 94 Dixy wrote:

    OK...mmm...don't know what to ask... Laughing .....What subject in school time did you hate most, and why ???.... congratulationsLaughing

    I hated Maths, not so much because of the subject itself, but because of the teacher. we really didnt get on

  3. Lazar wrote:
    What is the worst food you've ever eaten? Laughing

    might sound stupid, but roast parsnips. I thought I would try some a few weeks ago, as I havent tried them since I was young, and I hated them! I thought I was going to be physically sick Sad

  4. So how is everyone today?

    I've had a lovely quiet morning as Phoebe went back to school today
    She is not fully better, but the doctor is now saying that she has asthmatic tendancies (they wont diagnose asthma in under 5's) and given her an inhaler which has made a huge difference.

    Mind you I had a quiet morning, but didnt get to enjoy it....I spent most of the morning catching up with the ironing Sad Oh well, it has to be done, and at least the sun is shining lol

    Hope you are all having a good day xx

  5. Tiddly Winks wrote:
    What is your favorite thing to do on a sunny Saturday afternoon?

    Saturday afternoons are kid time. We either go out somewhere, or we have an arts and crafts day.

    This time of year its hard to find anywhere to take them because of the weather, but they love to go to the Library or the art gallery (they have a childrens area in the gallery which is all about hands on learning)

    Both my girls are really into arts and crafts, and we are often painting, drawing and gluing. Very messy but great fun.

    Then Saturday tea time, we have pizza and movie night and even my son joins us...then games night and bed. Smile

  6. smorkle wrote:

    if someone offered to turn you into a vampire, would you do it???? Laughing

    If it was Damon then how could I refuse??? *drool*

    In all honesty though, eternal life? Not something I think would be cool (unless of course I could spend it with Damon...oooops getting obsessed now lmao)

  7. Kokonee wrote:
    I see you are from "West Midlands". For those of us who don't live in the UK, what cities are there? Does that include Liverpool and Birmingham?

    And where is your favorite spot in the UK?

    I live very close to Birmingham, about 10 miles away, Liverpool is about 100 miles north of here.

    My favourite place to be is Cardiff, which is the capitol of Wales.
    I grew up in Barry, which is just south of Cardiff, and spent a lot of time there. You have a huge city, but very easy to still get into the Welsh Valleys, which are breath takingly beautiful. I especially miss the Welsh rugby lol

  8. Lazar wrote:
    I've asked Yvette this too, but I want to know, what do you think about today's music? Pop, rock, metal etc.

    I hate it!

    Music has gone too commercialized. It is record companies putting stupid boy bands, or girl bands together to make them money. It is not about the music any more!
    I hate the fact that they all sound the same..you cant hear a new song for the first time and know who it its just by listening to how it is being sung.

    Dont get me wrong there are a few individual artists around at the moment, but for the whole it is total pants. Where are the musicians? Where are the awesome bands with epic guitar or drum solos? Honestly how many of these songs will we remember in 20 years time?

    I've actually been listening to some music from when I was a teenager tonight, and it is heads and shoulders above what is in the charts these days.

    Sorry for the rant, but music is something I feel strongly about lol. I can appreciate all forms of music, even music I dont particularly like, but so much of what is in the charts is so generic, its almost as bad (IMHO) as dance music Sad

  9. Gabs Giggles wrote:
    Which is the hardest thing you ever had to do?

    When I moved 120 miles away from all my friends to start a new life with Jadines Dad.

    I went from being constantly surrounded by close friends and knowing most people in the streets, to a town where I know no one. Plus there was the extra worry about up-rooting my son from school and his friends, luckily he has settled here really well

  10. Tiddly Winks wrote:
    Since you love Winnie the Pooh and Tigger so much, what sort of 100 Acre Wood character could you imagine yourself being?

    I'd be a piglet lol....quiet (I am in real life, honest lol), loyal, shy and nervous lol
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