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Posts posted by lea75

  1. If you see the blog updated, if you can pm me then I add it to PSFC news as I do with the PS blog....thing is I would forget to go looking for it....so just give me a nudge (or a kick lol) when you see its updated

    Any other news, you can always either copy and paste it or screen shot it

  2. I adopted on earlier, but was quite dissapointed, its just a tiny dog that just sits there, much like the chickens do Sad

    Would of prefered to see him running around with the people

  3. I get like that constantly!

    Then again I forget things so often that its not really suprising lol
    I have a board in my kitchen and everything gets written on it...then as soon as I've done one of the things on the list it gets crossed off...its the only way I can make sure everything is done lol

  4. can you let me know what that font is please...I dont think I have that one

    I dont want the banner to full of PS, this is something we have been moving away from for a while now.

    Ever since Playfish have been releasing the spoilers themselves, a lot of PS players stopped coming in here...they just look at them in the official blog.
    Also PS have lost a lot of players recently, and I wouldnt be suprised if it is not even in the top 10 played facebook games.
    The top played game is currently cityville, followed by farmville...so to keep the group moving we need to focus on all facebook games and not just PS. I know we all joined PSFC as PS players, but majority of us play other facebook games as well, and I think we need to start focusing on these as well now

  5. Tromo3 wrote:
    A Question. Are you the only one that makes resolutions in your family or if you ask someone no in PSFC?

    My answer: Yes

    My girls are too young to make resolutions yet, and my son is just not interested lol

    Sophie I'm really glad you have your RA under control hun, I know how much it takes over your life when you are having a flare...I really hope 2011 is a relatively pain free year for you xxx

  6. I'm in the process of designing a change for the group, but had to get rid of the Christmas on, which is why this one went back on until the new one is ready

    Do you have any suggestions on how to make the group wintery, without it looking like Christmas? This is what I've been struggling with lol

    I've been looking through my facebook and noticed a lot of people are playing some of the other games now (more so than PS) so I think it would be good if we can try and push those sections more

  7. I really like this game....even to the point of stating that I prefer it to all other facebook games (yes even PS lol)

    Only problems I have with the game is that you run out of energy really easily, you have to rely on your friends a lot to send you items for quests, and I have not had any quests now for a few days Sad

    All that said though, I do enjoy the game, and I do find myself popping in there frequently.

    Any other players here??

  8. What would you like to see new in PSFC for 2011??

    Any comps that you have liked in the past that you would like to see return??

    Now is your chance to have a say...so make sure you get your thoughts across
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