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Posts posted by lea75

  1. Tromo3 wrote:
    How does your dream home look like?


    I would love to have enough room so me and the kids can all live without being on top of each other.

    I would love to have a family room as well as a 'grown up' room for me, where I could go in the evening when the kids are in bed, and there be no toys in there.
    Big bedrooms so the kids have room to play, and a spare room for visitors....(i.e. my Mum lol)
    I would also love a huge garden, With a huge climbing frame in for the kids, somewhere were they could let off steam. So basically I just want a big family house lol

  2. Tromo3 wrote:
    What baby animal puts the biggest smile on your face?

    White tiger

    That was a really hard choice though, I love penguins, polar bears and white tigers. Then again just about any baby animal puts a smile on my face lol

  3. Tromo3 wrote:
    If you won a competition on PF to decide the next week in Ps what week it will be?

    hmmmmm hard question!

    I would love a Disney week...especially if we could have a Tigger theme..how awesome would that be!!!

  4. Tromo3 wrote:
    In your opinion how many times daily you post lmao?

    not enough! With everything going on, I dont have as much free time as I would like lol.
    I try to come in as often as I can, and post as much as I can, but there doesnt seem to be enough hours in the day at the moment Sad

  5. Gabs Giggles wrote:
    Do you have any siblings? or do you wish you had some?

    I have a younger brother, he is 3 and a half years younger than me (that extra half a year made a differnece when we were younger lol)

    We used to argue all the time, but we've always been close, even though he was really, really annoying when he was yonger lol

    He is a doctor now, and I'm really proud of him

  6. Tromo3 wrote:
    If you could choose would you be a vampire, Werewolf, witch or enchantress?

    Now if I could have a life of eternity with Damon Salvator then obviously I would choose vampire lol...otherwise I would like to be a witch....I could just see me muttering a spell or 2 over a cauldron lmao

  7. Gabs Giggles wrote:
    What is your favorite dessert?

    either, apple and blackberry crumble and custard or fruit salad.

    I'm not a huge fan of desserts, I dont like anything too rich and I hate any type of chocolate cake or anything with chocolate sauce on it

  8. Lazar wrote:
    What's the craziest thing you've done lol?

    Not sure if I can answer this, especially with my Mum reading it

    I often do silly things with the kids, not so much nowadays though lol. I'm forever embarrassing my kids by doing silly things

  9. Tiddly Winks wrote:
    Imagine the story of 'Peter and the Wolf', where a musical instrument depicts each character from the story. What musical instrument best describes you? Are you loud like a trumpet, mysterious like an oboe or something else entirely?

    I'm an electric keyboard....one where you have all the different instument sounds lol

    That way I can change the instument to suit my mood lol, as sometimes I'm grumpy like a tuba, and other times I'm complex like a violin and sometimes I'm just a triangle

  10. Tromo3 wrote:
    How do you imagine Comfort?(I hope you understood te questions)

    Comfort to me is being in my pjamas, snuggled up on the settee with a good book, candles lit, kids in bed and music playing in the background

    Hope this is what you meant Ashamed

  11. Tiddly Winks wrote:
    Revenge is sweet...

    if money was no object, what one thing would you buy for yourself and your kids?

    the answer to this is easy for me...which is why I asked you

    The thing I would buy would be for me and my kids, and that would be a house. I would love to have the security, for me and my kids, of owning my own house. I live in rented accomodation at the moment, and even though I've been here over 5 years, and decorated it how I want it, there is always something in the back of your head that its not really your house, and also the insecurities of knowing that you can be asked to leave at any time Sad

  12. Pedj@ 94 Dixy wrote:
    what was you thinking about to be in future when you was little girl.....??? what was your dream...to be singer or something another.... congratulations hope you understand question.... Laughing

    I dont think I really had any dreams when I was young, not that I can remember anyway lol

  13. I'm sure your friend will love it hun, and I hope you and Sven are feeling better now xx

    My son got sent home from school today. Someone in his class thought it would be funny to pull his chair away as he went to sit down and he fell and banged his head. He had a mild concussion, headache, slurring words and not walking very straight, but luckily he came round quickly and is back to his normal lively self now lol

    I'm off to be now, I've been tying not to go to bed to early, but give up, I'm shattered...night all xx

  14. Toulouse wrote:
    I hope I didn't bother you asking this. And you are in my prayers and I certainly hope the medication will make you feel better, fingers AND toes crossed!!!

    What is your favorite flower?

    You didnt bother me at all hun. It actually helps to talk to you about this as I know you understand how frustrating it is when you are having a flare and cant do the simple things Sad hugs to you xx

    My favourite flower is a lisianthus. I love flowers, and really miss being a florist

  15. Tromo3 wrote:
    What are your hobbies besides PS and PSFC?

    I love reading, I've always got a book on the go. I used to love doing cross stich as well, but unfortunaely my fingers dont always want to do what they are told so had to give that up Sad
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