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Posts posted by lea75

  1.  hot_se10.png


    This week in the PSFC hot seat is our forum moderator Tiddly Winks!!

    Here is a chance to ask all those questions you've always wanted to ask...whether that is her about her likes/dislikes, favourite things, dreams and goals...anything you like really

    You can ask more than one question, but please put them in seperate posts so it is easier for Yvette to answer them.

    Yvette has the right to answer any question with a no comment if it is too personal, or just something she would rather not discuss.

    So get your questions in...and be nice!

  2. There are a lot of versions of anti virus and anti malaware software out there, and to be honest the majority do the same thing...they all work well, and will keep your PC safe and virus free...as long as you make sure they are kept up to date and run scans frequently

    The only reason I recommend malaware is becaues my Uncle recommeded it to me, and as he works in internet security I tend to trust him lol.

  3. be careful with spybot as it can cause lagging and locking up of your pc.

    It is also not a free programme, you need to buy the discs, and any downloads you find for free are not going to be the most up to date versions

  4. which anti-malaware are you using?

    You should run a complete anti-virus scan. Then run an anti-malaware programme. I use malaware bytes which is really good.

    If neither of these find anything then the only other option is to run them while your programme is in safe mode, as virus' often 'hide' behind other programmes your pc runs

  5. hey hun...welcome back!

    I've reset the password to your old account and sent you an email to the email address you registered it with your new password

    If you need any help with anything just give us a shout xx

  6. Toulouse wrote:
    Aww Lisa, I'm sorry you are hurting so badly today! And I hope Jadine feels better soon! I do hope you can get some rest somewhere today!
    I had one of those days yesterday, I stayed in bed all day long and watched things I recorded while I wasn't home. Today I'm feeling much more motivated to get things done, but still taking it easy.

    Thats what I want to do today, but I have too much work to do Sad

    Glad you are having a good day though hun xx

  7. Lazar wrote:
    Oh so sorry for Jadine, I hope she gets better today. The same goes for your head.

    On Friday I had a massive headache all day and just wanted to go to sleep but coudln't do it because it was Serbian Christmas. Sad

    Today I am going to a small town Petrovac to my cousins grandma. I go there once a year and always have a great time! My cousin calls that town so boring, because there isn't anything interesting there, but I really find that town interesting, because everything is peaceful and calm there. Smile

    I hope your day brightens Lisa, have a nice day. congratulations

    Thanks sweetie, but its not a headache, its my arthritis thinking its funny to attack all my joints at the same time Sad
    Hope you have an amazing time today hun xx

  8. Morning all

    How are you all this morning?

    I'm feeling sorry for myself today lol, I ache from head to toe and feel like someone has attacked me with a baseball bat last night lol. Oh well, gonna carry on though Sad
    The girls are going to their Dads soon so I'm gonna have a clean up this morning, do the ironing, then hopefully have an hours rest before they get back.

    Jadine had a fall downstairs last night and has hurt her back..poor little thing has a huge bruise on her back Sad I hate it when my kids get hurt

    Anyone doing anything exciting today or you just having a chill out Sunday?

  9. This is the first time in ages I'm actually looking forward to Mondays items being released. I've already fiured out which of my big rooms will be re-decorated...now all I need is for the items to be released lol

    If PS were to do themes around other plays/musicals, which would you like to see?

  10. I'm off into town with the girls in a bit...gonna take them to the art gallery to let off steam lol. They have a childrens section in there where its all about hands on learning, and the kids love it

    Then tonight I'm going to (fingers crossed) have a play around on photoshop and she if a new theme for PSFC jumps out at me lol

    So what are you all up to today?

  11.  new_ye10.jpg

    Eat Healthy

    Part I
    - Fruits and Veggies

    Harvest 30 cabbages
    Harvest 50 Flax
    Harvest 40 Apricot trees

    Part II
    - Lots of Protein

    Collect 5 chicken breasts
    Collect 5 cottage cheese
    Collect 5 sunflower seeds

    GOAL: Exercise More

    Part I
    - Hale and Hearty

    Chop down 10 trees
    Tend 30 cows
    Clear 10 rocks

    Part II
    - Quick and Agile

    Click on 100 bonus objects
    Clober 10 varmints
    Collect one bee

    GOAL: Friends and Family

    Part I
    - Family Vacation

    Have 5 friends babysit
    Harvest 50 fruit trees with your spouse
    Collect 20 daily bonuses with your child

    Part II
    - Visiting Friends

    Tend 50 neighbour crops
    Clear 50 neighbour debris
    Collect one baby new year

    GOAL: Get Organized

    Part I
    - Tidying Up

    Place 10 decorations in the storage shed
    Clear 50 debris
    Tend 50 animals

    Part II
    - A Fresh Coat of Paint

    Get 10 paint chips
    Customize 5 buildings
    Collect one toast glass

    GOAL: New Hobbies

    Part I
    - New Hobbies

    Collect 10 board games
    Play a game of horseshoes
    Collect 5 Spanish coins

    Part II
    - Make Your Own Fun

    Craft 5 powder kegs
    Craft 5 sextants
    Collect 5 tolls

    Goal: Play Frontierville

    Part I
    - Frontier Workaholic

    Play 5 days in a row
    Hire 10 friends
    Collect one calendar

    Part II
    - Slaughterin' Time

    Sell 50 Adult oxen
    Sell 50 Adult pigs
    Sell 50 adult goats

  12. Once a week we will choose a PSFC member/mod to be in the hot seat!

    You can then ask them any questions you like, what they like/dislike, What would they do if? Which do they prefer?....its a great way of finding out a little more about your PSFC family!

    This will start on Monday, so you all need to choose who you would like to be first in the hot seat..you can either put your suggestion in this thread or pm it to me if you prefer
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