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Posts posted by lea75

  1. I was a little shocked when I saw the syringe and pill bottle but then again I suppose the game is aimed at those aged 14 and over (you have to be 14 have a facebook account, and yes I know people lie lol) and if you look at some pc games you can get for that age group, they are a lot more graphic than a pill bottle and a syringe lol

  2. I'm off to enrol on Friday for an accountancy course, the actual course starts next Wednesday!!

    After all the years I've suffered with depression, anxiety and panic attacks, this is a huge step for me, but I am determained to do it. I have to get my brain in gear as I do feel that it has turned into total mush lol

    So this is my New years resolution to myself...get my life back on track, and learn to be a stronger person...if you see me started to falter you have my full persmission to give me a kick up the butt lol

  3. I know Zynga often offer discounts, so I guess it is time for playfish to do the same

    The thing that is driving me mad in TOF is all the complaining, about playfish being a dissapointment and going on because everyone assumed it would start at midnight when the new items came in. In all fairness to playfish though, they did state 12:00 which is midday and not 00:00 which would be midnight!
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