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Posts posted by lea75

  1. Tromo3 wrote:
    Do you like horror books?

    not really.

    Horror films dont bother me too much, but then I think thats because after 2 hours its all over. With books, I think they can be a lot scarier as you use your imagination a lot more, and it takes you a lot longer to get to the end of it, so you are on the edge of your seat for longer

  2. Tromo3 wrote:
    Who was your facourite teacher, why and which subject he/she teaches?

    My favourite teacher was my Chemisty teacher, Mr Morgan.
    He always used to make us laugh and had a way of teaching things that made everything fun, and made us all want to learn more.

    He had this thing where he used to sing 'Alluminimum', but he sang it as you would 'Hallelujah' and we all used to stand up and put our hands up and sing 'Alluminimum' back at him..just his way of getting our attention

    Sounds silly but good fun and its stuck in my head after 20 years lol

  3. Lazar wrote:
    What do you think of Lily Allen (singer)? (I really enjoy listening to her and I love how she sings about everyday peoples problems, so I want to her your opinion from you)

    Not one of my favourites, I think she used too much bad language just to impress teenagers, not to add emphasis to her lyrics

  4. Tromo3 wrote:
    Do you like talking about dreams?

    I have dreams that are so vivid that I often get confued as to what is real and what was a dream. My dreams arevery, very strange ones...they never seem to make semse lmao

  5. Tromo3 wrote:
    If you could choose for teh whole week what to eat for Breakfest, Dinner and Lunch what will you eat?And Dinner or Lunch(It depends where you live) must contain Soup, Main, Salad and Dessert.And Don't forget the drinks:

    I wouldnt eat that much in a day lmao!

    I normally have some toast mid morning then an evening meal...but just one meal, I couldnt eat soup, main, salad and a desert lmao

  6. It is freezing here as well, the paths were really icy when I took the girls to school.

    I agree with you about next week items, and would love a bubble pipe! How cool would that be! They already have half the coding for it as well as we already have a statue that blows bubbles.

    I'm signing off for a little now, I cant keep putting off my ironing like this lmao...will be back soon, got a lovely chilling out afternoon planned today, as the girls are at their Dads

  7.  ironin10.png

    I've put it off as long as I can...I have to go takle the ironing mountain pile!

    I only did some ironing on Tuesday, and yet I have another huge pile today! I swear the kids keep putting clean clothes in the wash just to keep me busy!

    Anyone wanna come and do it for me?? I'll make you coffee and cake lmao

  8. my day starts at 7am and I'm normally on the go till 11pm, though I'm often woken up by my youngest during the night as well lol

    I seem to be constantly running around after the kids, housework, cooking, cleaning, ironing, shopping, refereeing the kids arguments lol, playing with them....by the time they are in bed I'm shattered lol....plus I now have homework to do....no wonder I have a head ache lmao

  9. Tromo3 wrote:
    What is weird about you (no surprise no comment)?

    Hmmmmm weird? Me?? I am perfect in everyway

    Physically, I have a very, very clicky jaw..everytime, I eat or even just jawn you can hear me jaw click....makes a lot of people cringe Laughing

  10. Mangoberri wrote:
    Favourite and most hated subject from past education?

    Worst was P.E. I've never been into sport and absoloutely hated doing it at school Sad

    My favourite was music. I used to play the clarinet and the saxaphone, so really enjoyed the theory of music as well as playing

  11. Lucky Strike wrote:
    Do you play any video games??? If so, which?? (FB games don't count )

    I play on the Wii with Jadine. I love Mario, especially Mario karts (only because I'm the champ in my house lol)

    I also like playing puzzle games on the DS, especially Professor Layton's mysteries. I havent got the new one yet though

  12. Tromo3 wrote:
    While you are walking through a desert you came upon 2 Magic lamps, So you decide to use 3 wishes from one for yourself and 3 wishes from othe pother for oothers. WHat will the wishes be?

    For me:
    Ian Somerhalder (Damon Salvator in Vampire diaries) to fall madly in love with me (well this is my wish lmao)
    Enough money to be able to live without it ever being an issue
    A cure for my psoriasis and arthritis

    For others:
    Ieuan : All the electrical equipment he could ever want
    Jadine: To live like the princess she is
    Phoebe: To always feel loved, and to never lose her sense of humour

  13. Tromo3 wrote:
    What is the last book you read and what you think of it?

    Harlen Coben - Play dead

    It was really good, I enjoyed it.
    It was one of his first books ever released, which he has had re-released and he put a note at the front of the book warning his readers not to expect too much lol, but I really enjoyed it

  14. Well done you for saying how you really feel, we often just grit our teeth and carry on making ourselves upset rather than just saying how we really feel.

    Sometimes people dont stop and think of others. Maybe they will take what you have said into account and think about how they treat others in future

  15. My first reaction when I saw this weeks items was:


    I think I might of deafened Kasi as I was on the phone to her when I first saw it lmao.

    Not overly impressed with the rest of the items, the charleston clothes are nice (bet my daughter will want it lol) and I like the vintage telephone, but apart from that not going to be buying much this week (bet I still do though lol)
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