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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Oh no! and eek - Regina's BD today. I only logged on to PS to do the lottery - so I must go back and do the room for her!
  2. It's stupid, they've put down all the employees and their home details and then a NIL value for money owing to them. And now every man and his dog can look everyone up if they want to. The only saving grace is when you put in our postcode (zip code) to Google Earth it takes you a good way up the lane from our house, and IMOM just answered all the questions with 'Nope'
  3. You know that IMOM wasn't very happy at his last job, and that he didn't get on with the other people who worked there? Well, as you probably also know, the company went bust. A list of all the Creditors and how much they're owed has been circulated to everyone who's on that creditors list, including all ex employees, even though it reckons they're not owed anything (technically IMOM is owed, as he never got any holiday pay before he left, but he's chosen to walk away from that) Now everyone has our home address and someone rang IMOM at work today and said 'looked you up on Google Earth, blimey you must have loads of money, living where you live...have you got a swimming pool? have you got tennis courts?' etc. etc. Bloody cheek!!! Am not happy at all! IMOM is very private and never discusses home life with work, not to any degree any way - let alone with the people he despised and didn't get on with.
  4. Oops language barrier a sort of hybrid moan come tantrum come hissy fit?
  5. Hi Audrey, do all the Mods use that copy and paste? Marvin isn't here, so not likely to see your message, but if you ask Lea she knows about Marvin and so does Steve. No idea why her link's corrupted to mine, as it hadn't used to
  6. Agh just saw the time gap in the last two posts, Frannie around this time if you come in and don't see me, send a PM, and I get notification to my email, which should tip me off!
  7. Good Morning! I am having a strop, back in two secs to fill you in!7(not PS related btw)
  8. Zoonie

    i'm so worried!

    They have a forum on their website, I checked for you, and it seems there are bad delays. Hang on in there, but if it doesn't come post on the forum as well as emailing them, I saw one such post and someone from ASOS did respond
  9. apologies at how small they are, look carefully for my little tricks
  10. I got a message from him on Facebook this week, he's ok Paige
  11. Hannah, I know it's hard when people seem to make light of something that's having a bad effect on you, but generally I find it helps to concentrate on being positive. It's mid-term right, not finals, and you made an error that you'll now make sure you never make again. It's a shame, but it can't be changed. Just concentrate hard on the good and positive things, not the things that have gone now and can't be changed. If you keep dwelling on the negative things it will affect your mood going forward and you wont do as well as you can. Like the old saying goes 'no use crying over spilt milk' - just put the work in and do your very best from now on
  12. Marisol (Princesita) sends everyone her love. She hasn't been feeling her best lately and has computer issues when she last logged on here, her pc doesn't like the forum it seems. But, she says she misses us and will try and stop by soon. Pearl has a new job since about 3 months ago and is still ironing out a few wrinkles, but getting there ... she also sends her love.
  13. Your Profile up at the top Second tab in for Preferences, scroll down and time zone's there
  14. So! *that's* your secret lol! I have to go, the power has to be shut off for a while. See you later on x
  15. Zoonie

    i'm so worried!

    Chiara, I'm in the UK. I can see why you're worried, especially as it's a large amount. In my experience ASOS have never been anything but completely reliable. It's true that our postal system has been awful throughout the bad weather here, and it's not only deliveries out to customers that have been affected, but also business obtaining stock to process and despatch - it may just be that their supplies ran out. Did you use a credit card to pay? or a system like Pay Pal, as that will also give you some extra protection. I would do as they say and give it time, don't worry too much, and let us know how you get on. If I can help at all, let me know xxx
  16. I saw a note yesterday that Paper Pin Wheel Bear Mask and Lifebuoy Decor are either being removed or have been removed. Is that correct?
  17. Oh sorry BG I meant to respond about your teeth - sympathy, my ED is having the same problem right now and it's very painful
  18. Payment for ex TWS items which are surplus in the Gift Registry Stock is made in future TWS items which go back into the Registry. A guide as to the value of donations will be published here and is based on original cost + a profit for the Registry. I have to stress that gifts from the Registry are for participating regular members of C&G only, and likewise items from the Registry are only available at below current trade prices, for regular members. Thank You. * A Regular Member is one who has at least 20 posts in the Group and is known to the daily chatters. Exceptions may be made for long standing CeeGeeans who have not yet visited the Group on PSFC but preference is always given to active posters.
  19. I'm lurking in the background doing other things. I need a new price structure for the surplus G/R items. Hi Paige, and Frannie, I just mentioned coffee before - admit it, you were waiting in the wings
  20. I sent you one chair and a note about prices. I have to increase what's on the FB Group as that was done a long time ago, and the prices of items and coins earned has changed since then too. Let me know what you think? (My pc is lagging badly now, might need to reboot)
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