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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Aaaw Bee sorry I missed you, I hope you're taking good care of yourself with all this rush at work! See you later Kijo. Strange I had very swollen knees which started to happen when I was carrying Miss YD, it hasn't happened for ages now, but can just flare occasionally. It's a weakness as out of the blue, either one or the other can just 'go' (kind of collapse on me) and then becomes swollen and painful. I had lots of tests (including RA) and they never found out what was causing it! I'll be back in a bit, need to make coffee, and go see the state of the G/R, plus do a couple of posts in the Winter Wish Upon A Star in the forum.
  2. How about you send a PM to my Facebook, I can keep lots of PMs there without having to delete Once we have a deal, I'll note it on Facebook and just put a note on here that it's owing. Hopefully that wont upset the Admin here then?
  3. Bye Tanya, sorry to hear about the kitty, hope all is ok. BG, I put a note about G/R trades on a Trading Thread in here.
  4. Zoonie

    Trading on PSFC

    A tricky one as regards the forum, because Trading should take place on the Trading Boards. However, this is not for General Trade and items are only available to REGULAR members of C&G who participate fully within the Group - this is so that people don't join in order to buy up cheap ex-TWS, or join the Group and never join-in! Should anyone want an ex TWS, please let me know, and we can agree a price if it's available. Details are on our Facebook Group, but it may well be time to increase prices soon. Payment is in new TWS, but payment is often deferred when the Registry is well stocked with that week's items, so we don't overload on things that wont be of use in the future. I choose the items required, as I try to choose things that I think will be most in demand later on. Currently outstanding payments are down to Missy - prices as arranged Tanya - 1600 worth of TWS to be agreed Toulouse - 2,400 as above. I'll keep a note on a separate thread
  5. We've been chatting on the forum about all the old friends who don't seem to log in and say Hi anymore. Please add the names of people you miss, and if any of us have news about them, we can keep up to date. Kim (& Bailey) Marvin Chingada El Camino Girl Cap'n DM Pearl Princesita Jill Gwen Rina Chris Boogie Foxydrama Will come back and edit as we think of more
  6. Aaah lost my post - something has changed with the smilies, and it's repeated them and then gone back to my previousl page, so I lost what I typed! Will redo it. BTW song lyrics are not 'my songs', they're from whatever is playing on the radio as I log in to the forum
  7. I'm putting it at the top of some threads The other threads like the daily chat - the ones that move faster, need just a little logo, otherwise I think people get a bit irritated seeing it at the start of every page, if you see what I mean? So Frannie, Tanya and I are alternating (or whoever starts a thread)
  8. That's really adorable, I must find somewhere to put it full size, probably the welcome thread. Thanks Kijo Morning BG, how are you? Tanya, it IS The Beatles ::
  9. Hello Tanya, you two been stirring up gremlins from somewhere?
  10. Good Morning ♫Good day Sunshine, good day sunshine, good day sunshine ... We take a walk, the sun is shining down Burns my feet as they touch the ground♫ except that here it's misty, dark(ish) and wet
  11. I also have to go and serve dinner now - sorry to leave you Army, will check back later if you reply - meanwhile hugs and kisses for you x
  12. that sounds like fun , i think we have a hockey game tonight? but it is no fun watching by myself lol GO CANUCKS GO !!! GO!!! have you been bowling lately Army? LOL! Enjoy Wish xxx
  13. Hey guys, tonight it's a big footie night in our house, both my team and OH's will be playing, so we're hoping for a double win - but I'm not confident at all
  14. Yes Army, I said Hello Just cooking, some kind of hash tonight - have slow cooked a gammon ham in coke (hmmmm) and it's just falling to pieces, will sort the potatoes and am doing green beans, carrots and some mustard sauce.
  15. Hi Army Paige, I can trust you, it's no hassle or big deal if you ever want any stuff just for a week for a change. Poor Puss - people can be rubbish, that's the only reason this non-cat household is now housing two cats! But, for all the rubbish people there are good ones who go the extra mile too I hope it all works out for the best, and Puss is ok, that's the main thing. Wish, Socks really is a one off I think! He's still lovely though
  16. I hardly like to say on a family-style message board, but it involves his fur fabric kitten bed, and is an activity more usually associated with dogs and legs Paige, if you fancy a change with room one borrow from the gift registry, you should add Kitty C&G stores to your friends? Or do as you've been doing, and buy the week's stuff and then donate it on a week later? I'm wincing at your lack of sleep, am a bit sleep deprived myself this week, but nothing like you!
  17. I tried the screen shot option Paige:( Am just a bit distracted by Socks atm!
  18. I tried to make them bigger (see the thread) since the camera function has been playing up I can't seem to get the pics a good size
  19. Will wait Wish, no point just stock piling more than we can possibly need. Although I intend sending Squirrel some items (she was here last night, didn't realise they'd had an earthquake! - seep from about page 28 I think it was) What a strange PM, did you do anything about it, or just ignore it? (I was distracted looking at Paige's Spot the Difference - you did a good job Paige, but there are 4 more, I think - really little ones)
  20. I know I was disappointed to miss you, but things are a bit chaotic here this week, with the work going on. Let's hold off with G/R until the end of the week, we are doing well for donations this week, thanks. The Snow White items might come in handy though unless you want to exchange them for stuff you're missing? Chup would have been on his break I think, so probably gone back to work now.
  21. Thanks Paige, I lost my connection there! Hiya Wish, I missed you yesterday.
  22. Hello sweetness - just replied to your post on the G/R, we're ok this week really, thanks ... apart from wigs, only have one at the moment.
  23. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Hiya Paige, that's so sweet of you, but you know what? We have a load of stuff if you look back at the last page - only the wig is in short supply really.
  24. Echo Echo Echooooooooo did I miss you on your break Chup?
  25. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    * gifted to Tweet 40 1 pink elephant 1 Lola Chair 1 Stella Pouffe and 1 Aero Floor Window. SOLD to Tanya, Halloween Haunted Wall Paper and SALE outstanding to Missy also (Both to be paid next week)
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