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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. It's a deal, and thanks for playing I had a real laugh when I read your message
  2. Hi Army - nice to see you. Frannie, at the top of each page on the forum are scrolling posts/info, including the MB items each week.
  3. Oh yes the cherry pits - you heat them in the microwave yes? When I'm really feeling miserable, I love my squishy microbead cushion that's shaped like a sausage - very comforting.
  4. Yes thanks Frannie, save your coins this week, make a bit of headway BTW guys don't forget Chup's birthday - is it tomorrow or Thursday? He's looking for MB items according to his LED ticker.
  5. BG get a cuddly fur jacket hot water bottle, I swear by them at 'that' time of the month, for stomach cramps and backache.
  6. Just have to post on the G/R Frannie, I'm in Kitty's a/c while we sit here (watching The Hairy Bikers cooking in Suffolk) I think I said in a note that no one's away this week, but of course, Wish isn't around - so far I think we have 2 of the TWS from Zog and DM, so there's no worries about any more. Maybe I should change routine and come down and see if Kijo's around earlier in my morning and then leave earlier to do my other stuff.
  7. Hiya BG, it's c-o-l-d here too, I've put the heating on this afternoon. Feeling any better now? I was chatting with Kijo on Friday, she's not usually here weekends, and then I suppose it was so quiet yesterday that she didn't post? I imagine she's giving up hope as no one really posts in her time zone much?
  8. Sorry I was in two different tabs, no idea why lol - multi tasking. Yes, cocktail hour before cooking so I'll be around, you do your chores in and out. Am sure I said something about the cave, as I found it difficult to locate too. So, one skull cave and one volcano mask? coming up, no need to trade you goof - you donate piles of stuff, it's your turn to receive. I dunno, I think a lot of people don't like this forum and haven't stuck at it, and other people just say they're very busy. We're all busy, we make the time if we want to stay in touch - I think the changes in the game haven't kept the attention of a lot of people, and others break the habit of logging in regularly, and just drift away, they've had their forum time, and use that time now for other things.
  9. Socks news in from Cathy today - He has two ardent admirers (how new people) - in fact, besotted is a better word to choose. Aaaw - am still having trouble letting go, as you can tell!
  10. Aaah ok, are you sure? I forgot we had the conversation about the Skull Cave etc. Did you see that I forgot about the Volcano Mask? I'm devising a Volcano Competition, but it has to be said that the response to competitions is very slow
  11. Aaaw thanks Frannie You'll be ready for last week's TWS then? I posted a small pic on your wall earlier too if you haven't seen it?
  12. Was just sending the prizes for the What Can Zoonie Find to Eat comp
  13. Can you believe I just had to change computers, and now I can't find my pic with the answers - You, LS were the first to answer, and are indeed so crazy - also the only one to spot that the Chef Mayor has a baguette which could be eaten! But - you missed the flowered cupcake in the basket on the left (although you did say you couldn't see what it is) the Timbale in front of the soup on the strawberry shelf, although you didn't know what it was, and also the cake from the store that's in front of the baby's milk bottle and the chocolate stick/cream in the drink by the sushi on the right. I have to shake my head at the idea of Zoonie eating the shelving, even though it is called Strawberry Tanya as always did well, but missed out that the Chef was holding a baguette and also the rotten veggie in the blue daisy bag (although whether Zoonie could really eat that is open to argument!) lol. It's hard to see what it is to be fair, Toulouse thought it was zongi because it's green. Toulouse did the most full answer, but missed a couple of things - the Chef's baguette and a tortilla chip hiding between the coffee pots. But she gave correct names and lots of detail. So - I called it a complete tie and have sent you all some past TWS foods, for the fun of playing
  14. So, I got three entries (only 3 ) and here they are: TANYA TOULOUSE LUCKY STRIKE
  15. Yes dry and warm in the house - pouring down outside, which was bad as we meant to do a big garden attack! Clout is said as clowt, if that makes sense? Some people actually think it means May Blossom rather than the month of May, but the way things are going, you probably need your winter coat handy all year round!!!
  16. Poor you Bee - remember for next year that old English saying 'Ne'r cast a clout, 'til May is out' Not sure of the spelling, but basically Ne'r = never (obviously) and cast a clout is some old dialect for removing clothing. So basically don't put your woolies aside until June I have the heating on, I was chilled through this morning. Had a very boring weekend actually, but then again, we had lunch out on Friday, so I can't moan really.
  17. I'm here now, by coincidence as I didn't see your message, you could've mailed me Frannie, I was off doing some work stuff, and came by just too late. I might have seen it. Am currently doing a competition, so mail or PM if you decide to come back and if I'm around I can chat We didn't get any hail Bee, just heavy rain, but wasn't it typical rotten bank holiday weather
  18. I have to go off now - *waves*
  19. Aaaw I wasn't expecting anyone, sorry - I was completely rearranging Zoonie's closet - of course, my own closet needs clearing out, but Zoonie's is far easier and more relaxing to do
  20. I said it was fantastic, not crazy Will go off and judge>>>
  21. Thanks for all the messages. Good Morning. Yes, Frannie, we have two Bank Holidays in May, the first Monday, for May Day, and Monday 24th, which used to be known as the Whitsun (Pentecost) Holiday, but is now renamed Spring Bank Holiday Hope everyone is ok, we're so out of touch.
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