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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. I haven't heard from Marlies, but I don't think it was their area (although am embarrassed to say I'm not a hundred percent)
  2. No, she usually goes by car or bus...and she was here much later than the time it happened. Serious crash
  3. I tried it too with the Gift Registry and now it's also lost, will have to replace it. BG is at college Frannie.
  4. I just logged in to my OH's account, tried to drag a new item out of Zoonie's house, but it didn't work.
  5. OMG! not heard of that Wish, thanks for the warning!!!! Tweet - Kijo works two jobs now
  6. Hi Paige. Bye Kijo. Tell you what Tweet, don't worry, you get the prize, don't think any one will mind - the condition is that you enter the other two new Name the Differences that are up now (bribery and corruption) I loved your pic of Zoonie
  7. From memory you did quite well, there might just have been my really crafty cruel change that you missed, same as Tanya.
  8. Hiya Tweet - do you have a copy of the PM you sent me for the beach spot the difference honey? if so could you send again pretty please Oooh nice one Boogie, I got my hair cut last week, am pleased - have made an appointment to have it highlighted a week on Saturday too
  9. See you in a bit Dawn, I've set my tricky email, now on to the next bit of tricky stuff *sigh* Going to make coffee.
  10. I dunno if it's PS or my connection, but yes, of late I keep having it freeze on me. Just trying to put a tricky email together, but am around.
  11. I don't even care for cats that much, I'm a doggy type - so is IMOM, but we get round it by saying Dennis is The Amazing Wonder Cat (as neither of us are allergic to him, and he's absolutely no trouble - on the downside, he's not that affectionate, and you can't pick him up at all) Socks has all the upsides of a kitten, despite being a nearly grown boy now.
  12. I hope so too. Sometimes you do get people who want a slightly older cat - one who's litter trained and with a developed personality, so they know if it's lively or quieter. It's just finding the right people.
  13. I can't work it out, lots of random stuff, bizarre. I love the tree house, but am not going to buy cc to spend on it I really don't know Boogs, am a bit peed off. Obviously love little Socks, and am very cautious as to who could take him, but I wonder if they think the longer they leave him here, the more likely we just keep him?
  14. I know! and there was an altercation between committee members at the rehoming charity and it lead to one woman resigning (all over Socks!) He's lovely, but my allergy is bad. Sore throat, itchy eyes, sneezing and a really tickly nose most of the time. WB Kijo
  15. me too! but the cc items are a bit steep in price this week. ouch! I love it, but yes, it is expensive - it's all expensive!
  16. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Hiya D, thank you. I still have to empty the three rooms from the last couple of weeks and update all the totals, and then get cracking on typing this week's items! So far 2 Black Bar Counter + 1 for a prize 2 Alien Space Craft 2 Floaty Ghosts * space craft and ghosts in the chest until the glitch is fixed! 1 Jupiter Wall Sticker 4 Pirates' Punch 2 Kung Fu Tops and Trousers 1 Kung Fu Shoes 1 Spaceman Helmet 1 Spaceman Jacket and Trousers 1 Spaceman Shoes from The Diva, Wishfairy, Bogie and Zoonie
  17. Zoonie

    Petlings glich

    Did they run away Lea, or are they hiding from you, did you check under the beds?
  18. aaaw, lovely - mine's blue too, a cat called Sox, as she has white socks like that monkey pup who's still living here with us! Aaagh, our CD player is playing up now, I have the radio on and I keep hearing the cd drive kicking in - so annoying, it did this once before when it was under guarantee (and the newish TV had to go back last week for a similar repair to the built in dvd player)
  19. Thanks from me too 25cc though, expensive!
  20. They've put new petlings in there, 25 cc though!
  21. Hooray - and thanks Wish for getting it under way. It doesn't matter how good you think you are, Google is your friend Dawn and having a go is fun
  22. Thanks. Frannie has told me about Tiph, so I know she needs stuff, was just waiting until she got back on line properly and then will top her up with the stuff she wants and has missed...at least that way she'll get the pleasure of the parcels We seem to have plenty of stuff and Tiph hasn't been able to play properly for most of this year. Was just looking in the cash shop - they seem to be hiking the prices up there don't they?
  23. Any last guesses about the Halloween worm filled jelly?
  24. Wakey Wakey! please read about the missing messages!!!
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