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Everything posted by saifo997

  1. the subject is the questioon ^^^^^^^_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  2. lol i should make a forum calledd waht type of mobile do you have? XD
  3. great contest but i didnt understand how it goes can you tell me?
  4. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm iam waiting for next customer
  5. saifo997


    i find the hiddini at leaast 3 times per day
  6. guys i just was bored trying to find something to play the i opened my mobile and opened it on wireless and tried petsocietyfan.com and it opened
  7. i knew that !!!!!! but i didnt remmember rosies name XD
  8. saifo997


    lol i cant get batterys casue i cant get ccs so the robot is awful
  9. saifo997


    hiya guys did you see the nano bot robot?
  10. ooooooooooooooooooow owwowowowowo its noooooooow
  11. i think the question is in the supject ^^^^^
  12. dear santa, my wishes are , 1.any 2 cash shop items 2.lucious lips 3.throne of terror 4.any christmas item
  13. the same has happened to my aunt
  14. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i keep on laughing on it hhhhhhhhh
  15. i sent u 1 x4999 = 5x999, coz im adding floating ghost. tell me if u would prefer 999 items, just send it back to me and will replace it. thanks! items recieved but floating ghost is 3x999 and winter wall paper 1x999 and piano 3x999 =7x999 i would say i want 1 more 999 items recieved thanks for the trade
  16. i sent u 1 x4999 = 5x999, coz im adding floating ghost. tell me if u would prefer 999 items, just send it back to me and will replace it. thanks! items recieved but floating ghost is 3x999 and winter wall paper 1x999 and piano 3x999 =7x999 i would say i want 1 more 999
  17. saifo997

    sorry guys

    its me saifo997 but i was logged in by mistake and thought that iam on my account
  18. do you know something i like in psfc?its comps i take an idea of them like crosswords and print them and give them as a plan with my teacher to print it for all of students
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