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Lucky Strike

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Everything posted by Lucky Strike

  1. almost half of them are gone now.. luckily i hope they'll be more left for the rest of those who want it but can't be there on time!
  2. ok i'll back in.. apr. 8-10 hours so i can sent then can you please send first?
  3. thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I got it and i loooooove it!!!!! They are moving veeeery fast though! Hurry up!!!!
  5. it's definatly not hacked as i know the sender AND i don't think that this hack is even doable! it's a glitch for sure! grrr... I'll update you all tomorrow Goodnight!!!
  6. i can open the rest... but if i click that specific one i'm out 2-3 seconds later!
  7. ok! i just read this! first of all! HOPES UP! second you have my biggest and greatest wishes!!!!!!!! from what i understand your insurance works somewhat like if you hurt yourself at home for example they pay but if you are hurt somewhere where they have some kind of insurance ex. work place or anywhere else where they have insurance polices (constructions, hotels, etc) their insurances have to pay and not yours... cleaver system that rips off... lol.. still.. 75% is really good! and from what i see you're a strong person AND with general good health and positive with willingness and belief! Which for my makes your chances of being in the 75% really high!
  8. Lucky is to small to describe this! but still!!!! whaaaaaa?????????!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I just opened a few gmb's i won from fad's alphabetic game... So what do i see???? DARK OWL DOLL!!!! HOW ON EARTH IS THAT POSSIBLE?????????????????????? ------------------- Edit: EVERYTIME I TRY TO OPEN THE &$*&%$(w) OWL BOX I GET THROWN OUT OF THE GAME!!! wHEN I COME BACK THE BOX IS UNOPENED AGAIN!!!! I CAN'T GET RID OF IT!!!!! SSSSSSSSSSSSSS-OOOOOOOOOO-SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT CAN I DO?????????????? PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. how lucky for you kathy!!! thank you laz for making kathy happy!!!!
  11. mine loooooooooooooves ice cream! especially if it's chocolate! she won't stop screaming if i don't give to her! and don't get me started on the little guy... if he smells ANY kind of food bziiiiiiiiiin! here he is!
  12. eik! i forgot! 1 candle/chandelier too!
  13. i have sent since yesterday 2 chairs and both tables
  14. thank you for your post i'm just glad that i helped you like i've said before i wish i had someone to help me too on the beginning enjoy!!!!! can't wait to see your decorations!!!!
  15. happy birthdayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. and what does the cat has to do anything with the cheese??? -.- if it was a mouse..
  17. thank you for your reply and thank you rocky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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