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Lucky Strike

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Everything posted by Lucky Strike

  1. and your name well it doesn't really matter as fb has every right to do ANYTHING with ANYTHING any user post or share.. You loose every right over it the second it's up.. It's in the terms of servise.. i'm happy for you! tha's great news!
  2. Hehe! Thank you! Btw.. Do you remember some time ago that you asked about the profile picture? It's impossible not to be shown unless you don't have one This and thename it's the only thing that you cannot hide from other people (if you allow for people to be able to search you on fb)
  3. Eik! My bad... sorryyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!! nice catch! 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Why is it so important for pets to find dates?..
  5. I read this book yesterday! And there is somethng i'd like to say.. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's an amazing book and let me tell you that nothing you saw on the tv goes even near it! (the latest tim burton film has almost nothing to do with the actual story) It's amazing how did he turned blubbering and crazyness into a GREAT book!!!! If any of you have read it do you have any comments??
  6. Go to the privacy settings. You'll the usual big window.. Ignore it Go ABOVE it and you'll see "connecting on fb" right bellow you'll see "view settings". Go there and it has the messages. You can change it from there
  7. I won??? I WON???!!!!!! THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! adding rep
  8. You can not feel sorry for a beggar.. IT's a virtual game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's nothing you cannot do!!!!!!!!!!!! Just delete them... They cannot be really offended.. Trust me on that! When did you started playing?
  9. Rep added for the trade!!!! thank you for the gifts!!!!!!!!
  10. I've sent the item.. I can do the 999's or the pink bed and 2-3*999's or anything else you like (just not the wig! i hate wigs! ) (Like I said.. make a LOW offer I always like to treat new friends )
  11. I'm out of trading too so my prices may be a little off.. If you want please feel free to check beforehand I don't know.. It was worth 4000 in the shops. So.. 8-9*999 for it? If you can't afford please let me know how much you can give
  12. Internet has no face.. So it doesn't really matter! Plus.. Not everyone cares about pride!
  13. Silly question: this is the rehersal right? i think the actual marriage hasn't been done et but i'm out of this loop so..
  14. thank you i was just about to post a pic too!!! I checked and i do have a spare i just saw your gifts too so please make me a LOW offer for it
  15. They just don't care.. All they want is free stuff with noooo work at all to answer to your question.. for them it's much easier to just ask.. especially older expensive items because they simply don't bother to trade.. it's also a good way for profit as you pay nothing but sell for maaaaaany.. that's the basics of begging for me
  16. here is how to post a pic http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/t5617-how-to-add-a-picture I'm opening (my slow loading ps) now to check if i have it.. I'll post a pic of it for you
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