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Lucky Strike

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Everything posted by Lucky Strike

  1. Which is your favourite LE item so far and why?? Ok.. you can choose more than 1
  2. I'm very happy for you! Has anyone else finished with their collection??? Yvette: Have you displayed them somewhere or they're just around the house?
  3. Do you like the pet cafe idea and the new challenges??? I really really do!!! Especally the chalenges!!!! he rewards are soooooo pretty!!!!
  4. Please if you play rc state it here
  5. Do you want me to look this? Opening a thread for the pizzeria
  6. http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/t15385-crazy-class yixologia tis noisis legete i blakia.. an den bgazis akri me kapio ma8ima rwta na s pw re i tipisa ine treliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ma adiko exo re evi m???????? (ida oti ise mesa opote.. ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/t15376-help-in-bibliography ax epitelous!!!!!! kai mia ellinida pou ton 3eri!!!!! oloi m lene e?? pios ine??? ti?? MA DEN INE AGNWSTOS!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! Kai fisika oooooooooli oi ka8igites m ton 3eroun! AMAN! --------------------------------------------------------- http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/t15241-xa8ikame-me etsi kai etsi.. bebea kapia 3erw oti to septembri ta pernaw sigoura.. parauta einai poli xarumeni dioti sinolika apo ta 18 ma8imata (endiktiko programa spoudwn) pou 8a eprepe na exw erasei exw persasei ta 14 kai meta to septembri me blepw na exw megalitero ari8mo apo auton pou 8a eprepe kai ne ime treli alla pragmatika 8elw na teliwsw stin wra m! ase pou meeexri naperasw ma8imatika kai fisiki... ----------------------------------------------------------------- pws ise esi??? se ti fasi e petixenw??? exis milisi ka8olou me tin eleni?? egw edw... trexw oooooooli mera kai distixws teleutea exw sixna kaugadakia me to alo m miso... alla distixws kapia ragmata den mporun na ipo8oun gt tn 3r kala... alla genika ime kai imaste kala.. esi pws ta pas??? na rwtisw kati an dn ginome adiakiti?.. Prin to gamo... ixate sigatikisi?.. (an den 8es dn xriazete na m apadisis )
  7. Hehe! The parents of a really close friend of mine had as bridemade and best man a couple (close friends of them) which now live in Switcherland.. Their daughter (close to my age now) at first could only speak a few words and she also sounded wierd (the pronounciation is a bt crazy ) Now she speak almost perfect! As Tiddly said it depends.. There are times we are very busy (especially during an event) and others that's fairly quiet (e.x. exam period or tough scheduals) but for the most part always a couple of people will be on (especially noon to afternoon on my time) From where are you? As you said you're not a nattive.. ----------------- What on earth is wrong with my spelling todya???????????????
  8. oh! almost forgot! a few names of the classes are a bit pourly transelated but..
  9. Ok.. In the uni i'm in apart from everything else it's mandatory to take one of the following classes: Psychology of cognition Artificial Intelligence History of psychiatry They are ofcourse muuuch later into the program but we are allowed to take classes from whatever semeser we like (and no.. it's primerly a philosophy program seriously!) Aaaaaanyway.. History of pychiatry is NOT my style, artificial intelligence is hard but plausible.. Now.. Psychoilogy of cognition... Grrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!! It's really the best of the all BUT the *(^&*#* teacher is NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! *&*&^*&^#&$*#$@! crazy women!!!!!! She still hasn't decide if we are going to have final or we'll just do a paper or both!!! She asks the synopsis of 50, 80 or more science papers!!!!!!!!! IN 1-2 PAGES!!!!!!!! AND she asked MANDATORY to attend a 1 day convencion (1 if not both of the 2 parts) and writte a synopsis of that! This is happening each week.. And she is noooowhere to be found so we can ask her if we can pass and without those weekly assignments!!! This is the 1st year in a looong time this class was open to be in (it wasn't being teached) and with this crazy teacher Aaaaaaanyway... BUT in each semester we have to say which classes are we going to be examined for.. And now we are closed for Easter and I can't find her.. And since we have a limit on how many we can give guess what!!! I dropped this silly class!!! I'll chack it out next year.. If not I'm going with artificial intellingence... Now please tell me i'm not crazy! And on top of that THIS semester I have to writte a 15-20 pages esssay on a Plato's text (called theatitus) which is about knowelgde! (this means waaaay to much study! and we don't have finals so that will be all for my grade), a 6-8 pages on a person in History of classic philology because elsewhere I can't participate in the exams, another class which is "writting" litterarly as it's about how we writte a scientific essay (tough with a looot of research) and another essay on history of science.. Add to that the exams for: history of classic philology, history of science, financial 2, logic and theory of totals, statistic, history of philosophy 3 I think I pretty much have my hands full!!!! So I dropped the crazy lady and instead got phylosophy of mind! I think I did well!!! What do you think???
  10. Thank you! Btw.. I'm sooo happy that you know him! Most young people in Greece haven't even heard of him!!!!
  11. looooooooooooove this poo!!!!! I also adore the fact that ps finally decided to update the poo's in general!!!! yayyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Love the fact that Happy Pets has so many pink male pets i'm sorry but i remember the pet society pink conversations so this sounds funny to me! I'll go check them out! Not all persian cats look like they ran into a wall and i think my own cats are an example of that
  13. yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! question! what was the first thing you did when you got in?? (lottery doesn't count )
  14. I wish that generally you could gift hideni's stuff.. Some are really nice!
  15. Hello from me too Everyone is welcomed here! So I see you like it here so far? How are you? Anything you may need feel free to ask
  16. have you deleted aaaall history, cache and online memory? I don't know why this is happening.. Let me guess.. Playfish is no help?
  17. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's sooooooo pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think i'm going to get many eggs this year! They are beautifull!!! I'm so sorry about you Chay.. And for Sven too...
  18. Haven't started yet but i'm really curious to see if they are better than last year's! Are they Yvette??? I prefer to try to get them my own (not that have cc's but even if i did )
  19. thank you smorkle 19th century not 1900's the 19th is the 1800's.. hehe I need info on what was going on in America then.. For example if navy people were bringing foreign animals, what was happening withthe crimes, who could help and generally what was going on.. I don't know were to look so I asked here
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