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Everything posted by jezza

  1. ah well it looks like i'm on my own off here and to think i was gonna buy all these pints for the forum friends , more for me then as it would be a shame to let them go flat I'll post pics if i'm sober enough to take some.
  2. jezza


    I've had both the autocomm wired system and the parrot skbluetooth system and i will say the autocomm wins hands down for me every time ,no breaks in communication , no hassle pairing it especially after the hassle in scotland when half a dozen of us had bluetooth systems and the pairing was a pain in the arse. the autocomm I have allows it to run off a battery or the bike power . The phone , sat nav ,mp3 can all be connected at once (it also has bluetooth adapter if i want to use it) yes the parrot bluetooth done the same but it kept breaking up and got to be a pain so much so i sold it and reverted back to using the autocomm. also autocomm have a excellent after care service.
  3. Many thanks , items arrived in good nick I shall make good use of them when the side panel is sprayed . Thanks again I owe you a pint . Jezza
  4. Back 30 years i'd have been on one of these my bike yup it used to impress the girls
  5. nowt wrong with a doggy pooper scooper and bag , plenty of red bins about now to chuck it in.
  6. pull up to hedge, open front door, open back door,position yourself between the two doors so no-one can see you , pulldown pants/knickers ,squat and let nature do its buisness ....if ya really carefull you can rest your rear end on the door sill and still leave both exits to flow.
  7. I'm interested as i've just ordered a new rh panel for mine which will need pespraying (youngest has put small crack in mine climbing on it and it niggles me). let me know how much . jezza
  8. Happy Birthday ,Hope you had a good un Nos and thoroughly enjoyed yourself. jezza
  9. look on your profile and you will see the ones that had been sent. too late now though I can look as its deactivated , can't fully delete it as facebook has to do this and its not done yet, however i've just looked and nothing is showing I have no apps and nothing showing in my recent activity... mind you i,m not that bothered as it should free up another 15 mins of my day
  10. Mmmmm thing is ,Ive not had a message so i aint got the foggist what it is and I never click or play any of these silly games.
  11. I've just deleted my facebook account as i think its been hacked, I've deleted all friends groups etc before i done this ... so don't think ive just deleted you .....so if anyone gets a message it aint from me , just don't open it . I don't know what it does or what it is but people have been getting messages with a link when i'm not even logged in(if its porn feel free to send me the pics) . cheers jezza
  12. now to really annoy mel, put the empty wrappers back in the tin...it does tend to wind women up a bit.
  13. we have fell out about it now , sod the pancakes !!! just had two and thats enough for me.....Dave tell Mel it just aint good enough and i'll have words about this bad organisation of her womanly chores and letting her man down............come to think of it perhaps i won't. ( I won't tell her you prompted me to say that)
  14. Cruel Bugga only if you eat it no need to marinade it I spose
  15. I've not posted anything smutty for a while now
  16. I went to a fancy dress a few years back naked except for my old girlfriend on my back. "What you come as?" asked the bemused host. "A tortoise", I replied. "Well, who is the woman on your back?" asked the host. "Oh, that's Michelle!!!." I replied.
  17. even i can do a few sets of those , works wonders for a 6 pack ... as i can testfy as it soon got rid of mine and developed into this nice roundish stomach I so proud of.
  18. must be mad but I'm going camping in august round the lake district (no not in a caravan) so if any of you lot have any equipment you wish to sell give me a shout , I have a few things already (tent sleeping bags) but need stuff like electric hook up with rcd , fridge , hang up light , cooking stuff etc... cheers jezza
  19. jezza


    yup agree then i could do some serious posting
  20. jezza


    Do you ever wear them on the bike Jez ? nah just in the bedroom as the gimpsuit don't have socks fitted to it and i just hate cold feet.
  21. jezza


    got some of these , got them off bigden (banditforum) for a fiver brand new. http://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid=ie7&q=cold+killers+socks&rls=com.microsoft:en-gb:IE-SearchBox&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&rlz=1I7ACAW_enGB362&redir_esc=&ei=q4RyTbiqM9DKtAbUoJSEDg#q=cold+killers+socks&hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-gb:IE-SearchBox&rlz=1I7ACAW_enGB362&prmd=ivns&source=univ&tbs=shop:1&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=rIRyTZyOAtDusga9kZCEDg&ved=0CDYQrQQ&biw=1058&bih=502&fp=c1b8935d8ceff6f8
  22. as long as it has two boobies and a hole eh Itchy!
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