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Everything posted by jezza

  1. i'll come over , the bint can drive.
  2. As for everyone else commenting on this page, no sympathy. Everyone knows the price for drinking too much of the fermented hops and distilled wheat. One of the reasons you'll never find me doing it Hops and wheat Nah cider by the barrel is what you want Mmmmmm fermented apples.
  3. are buell still in production as i thought harley pulled the plug on them 18 months ago.
  4. we have a ps3 and a bt vision box , the quality on the ps3 is a tad grainy.
  5. have a aftermarket triumph on mine as well,bit different to yours though.
  6. spot on Dave we dont drink crap beer do we I do some times lol yup he does !
  7. i use this however i get it trade by the 25l barrel for 40 quid.
  8. thought we would now buy a slightly bigger car so nipped out with a thought of buying a scenic or c- max , something sensible to potter around in as its to be a family car. Got there and had a good look around , there were no decent c-maxs so test drove a "nice" scenic and a seat altea diesel. so what did we buy ......177bhp meriva 1.6T VXR sod the kids lets have a fun car , sick of a boring family cars. And yes its kills bunnies with its emmisions costing £235 a year to tax it
  9. Good to catch up for a beer.........why did you not include your photo's of your favorite watering hole.
  10. Byway open to all traffic I think.
  11. Yantosh of BFT braced and extended mine , polished it myself.
  12. famiy guy and coooooooooooool wwwwwwhip
  13. I'm currently listening to ....my other half chewing my bloody ear off, god i need a beer. however just bought breed 77's Cultura cd for a grand price of £2.50 today so shall be listening to that later.
  14. contact richdevon , hawkster , little rich as he breeds these and he will be able to advise you on anything you may need to know.
  15. won't say to much about the katana then and its not the suzuki motorcycle.
  16. jezza


    yup mine are oxtars and they are exactly the same as robbies . http://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=oxtar+renamed bit more info here . http://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=oxtar+to+change+name+to+tcx
  17. martial arts weapons for me, I keep one of these by the bed (purely for practice) and various other bits and bobs in the wardrobe. http://www.e-mudo.com/Suburi_Shinai_for_training_pieces_6_p/6pcsshinaisuburi.htm
  18. jezza


    had mine for 4 years , may be replacing soon as the stitching is starting to go . oxtars have now been renamed tcx .
  19. prefered physcobilly music (the meteors , king kurt etc..) however did like this angelic upstarts tune , they used to play this song at scooter rallies/ do's at the end of the night , used to be great , the dance floor was filled with pissed up scooterists singing along to it. This is a great tune.
  20. get some "wiscombe suicider" inside ya , put hairs on ya chest. I drink this or old rosie before venturing into the local football stadia on a saturday afternoon.
  21. bollocks , stop arse licking . Dave deserves all the piss taking and ribbing he gets and long may it continue. especially when his drinking partner in leicester is a bloke called claire and he enjoys watching dora the explorer when all the neighbours kids have long gone home. well done chap
  22. I had a powerbronze carbon effect on my 650. it looked good however the effect did rub or mark easy and being carbon effect you could not flat it back and polish like you could with a solid colour. mind you it served its purpose and protected the bike well so can't really moan as it was used daily going to work for three years and that involved going along a dusty/muddy track for a mile each way.
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