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Everything posted by jezza

  1. Bloody hell Dave your hard work Buy one of these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OPTIMATE-Accumate-12V-Adaptor-Plug-Clip-Kit-MALE-FEMALE-/370349059443?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item563a862d73#ht_2477wt_932 Attach it to this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/12v-Motorcycle-Auxilliary-Power-Socket-New-Low-Price-/330629761600?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item4cfb11ca40#ht_930wt_932 Insert this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Mini-12V-24V-DC-Port-USB-2-Output-Car-Charger-Adapter-iPod-iPhone-3G-S-4G-4S-/250915647737?pt=UK_MobilePhones_MobilePhoneAccessories_MobilePhoneChargers&hash=item3a6bbcf0f9#ht_2050wt_1089 then you have a 12 volt plug and a usb port if needed.
  2. what you need for that is the wizards of nos 25bhp kit.
  3. I think all usb ports run at 5 volts, I charge my phone in the car from one of these usb adapters. I seem to think i plugged my sat nav usb into it and all it done was charged the battery (could not use it for navigation) , so I use the proper cigrette lighter adapter that come with the Garmin.
  4. I love the stuff, got into drinking it when i toured scotland a couple of years back, be nice to see how the expensive stuff compares to the 30 quid a bottle bowmore. anyway you lot have a while to start saving before i reach 2000 posts.
  5. as i'm rather fond of bowmore , you lot could always start saving now for when i get my 2000 post. http://www.masterofmalt.com/whiskies/bowmore-white-1964-43-year-old-whisky/ mmmmmmmm bowmore thanks lads
  6. then when mel got home from work you would have taken them down double quick.
  7. i don't think he wants that if your offering it.
  8. did not notice as i'm a breast man myself.
  9. best chicken strip I could get. well what else would you expect from one of my posts
  10. as you have not spotted that 2 pound coin stuck to it , i shall declare that as mine. please pop it in the post to me , i shall pm you my address.
  11. are you not 40 posts to early Davehutch (4698) Stue11 (4339) dick65 (2745) XS1100 (2012) Chadatious (1960) ITCHY (1855) lee (1770)
  12. its looking like we are double booked for this day (just looked in the dairy diary) , gonna have top see what happens closer to the time .
  13. shows up well with the lights on , every little bit helps , I think lee had some small bullet leds on his bandit.
  14. lights under the front fairing!
  15. Boiling water on the sticker to soften it and it will then pull off,leaving just the gunky residue to remove which can be done with spirit or petrol on a rag.
  16. jezza


    Having just seen this ....its not a word I use in the company of women as I find it a very nasty word to use ,its probably one of the most offensive words that could be said, I just look at the picture and think yes its very childish and looks a tad silly to have on you, it does not impress me so I now move onto the next thread and forget about it. people have different opinions, thats life.
  17. whats the difference between a missus and a misses
  18. so much room under your seats, struggle to fit a tool kit under mine.
  19. Lee , leave your lovely wife here, Dave is hung over and can't even raise a smile......have you done that firepit for her yet she may need reminding on that. I will her send over to you jezza,she is costing me a fortune this year anytime you ought to pop down this way for a weekend and catch up.
  20. Lee , leave your lovely wife here, Dave is hung over and can't even raise a smile......have you done that firepit for her yet she may need reminding on that.
  21. they may look bad ,however our gaffer has just installed an anorobic digester next to the quarry , this runs off rotting food , silage and pig shite (this works by a large motor running off the gases produced which in turn runs a turbine producing electricity)... it effin stinks gives all the lads at work headaches , it draws in rats which feed off the rotting food in the silage clamps. This produces 1 megawatt also he is now moving into solar farming and is installing one at the moment , when complete this will produce 5 megawatt and will not be exactly attractive, I spose that is the trade off for green energy
  22. they will have that away as well , think of the scrap value.
  23. plan for us is get a lift of family into stratford on the day and get taxi home (37 quid) as its cheaper than staying in the hotel, at least this way we can both drink .
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